
社員インタビュー:データ分析事業部 Mouad Bouaddi

eftaxには働き方もバックグラウンドも多様なメンバーが参画。今回ご紹介するのは、データ分析事業部のモアド ブアッデイです。


私の名前はモアド ブアッデイ、20歳、モロッコ出身です。

My name’s Mouad Bouaddi, 20 years old and I’m from Morocco.

「あなたの周りの季節をシェアして」との呼びかけに、「モロッコのマラケシュからこんにちは」との挨拶を添えてモアドが届けてくれた一枚。この雪降る山々の後ろには美しいサハラが広がっているのだそう。 In response to our invitation to “share the season around you,” Mouad delivered this shot with the greeting, “Hello from Marrakech”. Behind these snow-covered mountains is the beautiful Sahara.

子どもの頃に初めてコンピュータを手にして以来、コンピュータとその仕組みに興味を持つようになりました。マラケシュのカディアヤド大学でコンピューターサイエンスを学んだことで、キャリアをスタートさせることを決意。また一方で、データサイエンスに関するオンラインコースも受講しました。WorldQuant Universityで16週間、ビジネスデータにおけるデータサイエンスの応用についてオンラインインターンシップを始めたのはそのためです。

Since I got my first computer when I was a kid I became interested in Computers and how they work. Then I decided to start my career by studying Computer Science at the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech. While doing that I was taking online courses about Data Science that’s why I started an online internship with WorldQuant University about Data Science application in business data for 16 weeks.

北アフリカに位置し、西は大西洋、北は地中海に面しているモロッコ。世界文化遺産の旧市街や活気溢れるスークなどで人気の観光地として有名なマラケシュが、モアドのホームです。 Located in North Africa, Morocco faces the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Marrakech, famous as a popular tourist destination with its world cultural heritage old city and vibrant souks, is Mouad’s home.

eftaxとの出逢い | How You Came to Join eftax


Since high school I became interested in Japan and Japanese culture so I wanted to build my career there. I was looking for job opportunities that are foreign-friendly in JETRO program then I found eftax.


I like how Japan kept its traditions and culture with developing the country, also how Japanese respect each other and don’t tend to hurt other peoples feeling even if they were in bad situation. My experience with Japanese friends and teachers led me think that way. I easily made friendship with Japanese people, I also had a Japanese teacher she was too kind to me.

Mouad is a data scientist fluent in English, French, and Arabic, and is currently studying Japanese. A snapshot taken in front of sushi.

また、日本の接客は世界一だと思っています。日本で生活する上で、安心感がありますね。 日本語で「Anshin」、ですね(笑) 日本のサービスを利用する際には他のサービスよりも、私はとても良い扱いを受け、彼らにとってとても重要な存在だと感じます。

I think Japan has the best customer service in the world. I’ll be in peace of mind when I live in Japan. Anshin*(laugh). (*安心 means safe in Japanese)

When I’m a customer to a Japanese service I’m treated really good I feel so important to them and that’s better than other customer services.

eftaxでのエピソード | Tell us about your eftax episode


eftax offers great opportunities for foreigners to be active and play an important role in Japan and that’s by offering international working environment using English as the main working language as well as working remotely which is very convenient. At eftax, I can work on different projects that makes me developing a lot of new useful skills that will help my career in the future.


After graduation, I plan to move to Japan as a member of eftax. I hope living in Japan will be great too!

そんな魅力いっぱいの彼の趣味はバイオリン!生演奏を聴けることを日本にいるeftaxのメンバーも楽しみにしています。His favorite is playing the violin! The eftax members in Japan are looking forward to hearing him play live.

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