


シアトル生まれ、シアトル育ち。 そして、シアトルという雨の多い街から逃れるべく、スタンフォード大学に入学し、経済学部を卒業。

その後、各地を飛び回りより多くのビジネスに接したいとの思いから、コンサルティングファームのマッキンゼーに入社。 マッキンゼーでは、スーツケースのタイヤがすぐに壊れてしまうほど全米各地を飛び回っていましたし(一年間に100回以上も飛行機に乗った時もありましたね)、顧客である超大手企業様を成功に導くお手伝いができる仕事にとても満足していました。


そのような気づきを通じて、私は、dodoポイントを友人と立ち上げることになりました。 dodoポイントは、お客様にも店舗様にもこれまでにないくらい使いやすいうえに、リピート率・販促効果の向上をリアル店舗様向けに向上させるツールで、ベンチャー企業への支援が非常に盛んであった韓国のソウルで事業をスタートさせました。



I was born and raised in Seattle to parents who immigrated from South Korea. I always dreamed of escaping the rainy weather and was fortunate to get into Stanford University, where I majored in Economics.

Drawn by the idea of traveling and seeing different cities and learning about a variety of businesses, not just one, I joined a consulting company called McKinsey & Co. There, I flew over 100 times in one year and the wheels of my luggage case actually broke off.  I loved serving very large companies and seeing what made them succeed.  I saw that the very successful ones invested heavily on innovation and continuously upgraded their tools to satisfy their customers and beat the competition.

I thought of the many small businesses back in the States, run by Asian-Americans like my parents, and realized that willpower and hardwork are not enough to save a business.  Innovation is required and the many many small offline businesses lacked the right tools to manage and satisfy their customers.  We wanted to bring the best tools and best practices to the millions of small businesses across the world that need a fresh strategy.

That is why my friends and I created dodopoint -- a tool that is both easy to use and powerful, directly improving the repeat rate and customer engagement for offline shops.

We started in Seoul, South Korea  where the government support for startups is high and the technology infrastructure is advanced.  With 10,000 stores in Korea and 10,000,000 end users of our service, we wanted to bring the same value to other countries.  Japan is our next priority and we are looking for people who are passionate about bringing new technology to a historically under-served market.  Help us "connect stores and customers, the smart way."

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