
「日本で生活したい」という夢を持ち、コロナ禍でイベント業界に就職したフランス人スタッフ マリアンヌの物語







専門学校に通った2年間の間に、専門学校の先生の紹介で、いろんなイベントのアルバイトを経験しました。Summer Sonic、サマーズボップくん、高槻魂などの音楽フェスや、サウンドメッセ、からだのひみつ大冒険、子供の水遊び、JAPAN TOURISM EXPOなどの展示会など現場を経験しました。いろんなイベントを経験し、勉強しているうちに、今の会社にスカウトされました。それは、2019年の秋でした。






まずはYouTubeに挑戦しました。来日できないフランス語圏の方々に向けて、日本の知られていない魅力を紹介するため、「Découvrez le Japon avec Mary」というチャンネルを立ち上げ、関西のスポットを回って動画を作成し始めました。






Découvrez le Japon avec Maryhttps://www.youtube.com/@decouvrezlejaponavecmary5504/videos

The story of our French staff who dreamt about living in Japan, and got employed in the event industry during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The start of my dream

My name is Marianne and I am from France.
My story starts as one you’d hear a lot in Europe in the 2000s. The weird manga kid fell in love with Japanese culture, wants to try and live there, starts learning Japanese.That’s my lucky story.

First steps in the even industry

In October 2016, when I obtained a visa to study in Japan, I told my friends and family “I’ll be back in a year,” already planning about studying event planning thanks to former experiences once I’d come home.

But I never went back to France.

Instead, I ended up wanting to study event planning in Japan. My Japanese language school had flyers about a few schools I could attend, and after going to open days at some of them, I chose to go to Cat Music College, a music school that also had a music industry major, in which you could study event planning.

During my two years there, I got experience working at different events: music festival like Summer Sonic, the biggest music festival in Japan, Summer’s Bop-kun, Takatsuki Damashi and more, as well as exhibitions like Sound Messe, Karada no Himitsu Daibouken, Children’s Polls, JAPAN TOURISM EXPO and more. I learn a lot thanks to these experiences, and thanks to those and my being able to speak three languages, I got scouted. That was in autumn of 2019.

The Covid-19 pandemic and consequences

At first, I only worked part time, while studying and having another part-time job. After receiving my diploma in March 2020, I got officially employed in April 2020.
After being busy until the end of March and despite the industry thriving until then, suddenly, due to Covid-19, there was nothing to do. I wanted to work on events, and make people smile, yet we couldn’t even open events at all.

Then the borders closed, blocking tourism promotion as well. A comment I often saw was “why promote Japan when we can’t even get in?”

My dream had reached a stop. For the longest time, I wondered how unlucky I was, and why the world was punishing me.After a while, I realized that it was because everything had stopped that I could try and do something new.

New challenges

At first, I started a YouTube channel, to introduce lesser-known spots of Japan to French speakers. It was called Découvrez le Japon avec Mary, and I made a few videos around Kansai on it.
I was looking for places to film and contacted them, planned the entire video making. I learnt a lot, and after that we started having more projects that included video making, both for local and international tourism. I even acted in one!

Quickly enough, online events became the thing, so I also learnt about organizing webinars and consequently, how to manage a team.
Thanks to this, I became aware that I needed to strengthen my communication skills. I also was forced to face the fact that no matter how much I did my best, I just couldn’t do it all by myself, and had to rely on others. People have different strengths and weaknesses. I knew that, but that’s when I really understood what it meant, and why it is important to work in teams and follow-up on each other.

The world getting back to normal

Then, life started going back to normal after the Covid-19 pandemic was mastered, events were being held again, and borders opened in Spring of 2023.

In the meantime, I tried my hand at something new again, and became a Vtuber, introducing the charms of Japan’s 47 Prefectures to the English-Speaking world.Japanyan now posts one video about Japanese prefectures every two weeks, as well as shorts introducing cute cakes or Japan exclusive foods.
Since then, I have been able to travel and work for touristic events in Malaysia, a Vietnam exchange festival in Gunma, a wine exhibition in Germany and in France for the Olympics.

Thus, I believe that it’s because I was employed during the pandemic that I got to experience so many things.Really, I am lucky.

Découvrez le Japon avec Maryhttps://www.youtube.com/@decouvrezlejaponavecmary5504/videos
Japanyan: https://www.youtube.com/@JAPANYANtravels/videos
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