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Dineshkarthik Raveendran

Zalando SE / Senior Data EngineerBerlin, Germany

Dineshkarthik Raveendran

Zalando SE / Senior Data Engineer

I'd rather overdose on data than get withdrawal symptoms.

Senior Software Engineer at The Viral Fever

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

Personal Achievements

  • APIficator

    Would you like to expose an existing database via REST API? Normally, you'd have to write a lot of code for the ORM you're using, then integrate that into some web framework. APIficator does the coding part for you, you can generate API services without writing any code. All you need to do: Run the python app The app will generate and launch REST API service for you

  • Whatsapp-analyzer

    WhatsApp-Analyzer is a open source analytics and visualisation Python project, used to visualise whatsapp converstaions. GitHub Repo:

Zalando SE5 years

Senior Data EngineerPresent

- Present

Spark Networks SE4 months

Data Engineer


Stylight GmbH2 years

Data Engineer


The Viral Fever1 year

Senior Software Engineer


Gramener6 months

Data Specialist


Tata Consultancy Services3 years

Systems Engineer


Valliammai Engineering College - Anna University

Computer Science and Engineering


  • Python Pandas

  • Ruby

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Git

  • Data Analysis, Data-Driven Decision Making, Data Mining and 9 skills

Accomplishments / Portfolio

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