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c She joined The Mainichi Newspapers in 2005 where she reported on the depopulation crisis, as well as evacuees residing in Fukushima following the Great East Japan Earthquake. After leaving The Mainichi Newspapers, she spent several years at a Singapore-based NGO centered on supporting and providing care for women migrant workers. In 2016, she joined HuffPost Japan as a reporter and editor. She h


In the future

Yuriko Izutani is a journalist and editor whose work focuses on ways of living in an increasingly diverse and globalized society. She majored in cultural policy at Keio University.

The Huffington Post Japan, Ltd.3 years

Deputy Editor


Yuriko Izutani is a journalist and editor whose work focuses on ways of living in an increasingly diverse and globalized society. She majored in cultural policy at Keio University. She joined The Mainichi Newspapers in 2005 where she reported on the depopulation crisis, as well as evacuees residing in Fukushima following the Great East Ja

Ralph Lauren inc 3 years

PMO Director


Asen is creating a revolutionary bio-sensor to detect precise oxygen saturation levels in specific area of the body, in a low-cost, simple way. Through patented technology, Asen is currently developing bandages to monitor and diagnose chronic disease such as heart conditions, respiratory illness, and pulmonary embolism.

朝鮮大学校 Korea University (Japan)6 years

Master degree in business admin



  • Financial affairs



  • English - Professional
  • Japanese - Native

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