フリーランス / HR
▼PROFILE | プロフィール 大阪府出身。神戸大学卒の31歳です。 これまでIT企業を中心にシードからメガベンチャーまでの採用や組織人事に約10年ほど携わってきました。また、それとは別にNGOも経営しており、これまで学んだ全ての知識と経験を活かして人事支援に従事。特にIT企業を中心に中途採用や組織開発、理念策定・浸透や強いカルチャー作りを支援しております。
International NGO founded in Japan that aims to end rape in slums. Since its establishment in 2019, Gawain has been developing the world's first methods to prevent rape crimes that prevail in slums. Rape is one of the most common crimes, and even accurate statistical data is unknown. In India, where Gawain's focus is on, 28,046 women were raped in 2020, which is equivalent to about 80 women being raped every day (according to NCRB). Gawain has its own field team to develop and improve community-based methods by building good relationships with women and children living in each slum. In order to carry out the project safely, Gawain has formed an alliance with the local police and conducts joint research with university institutions to ensure accurate impact evaluation. We will continue to strive to build a "life infrastructure" where everyone can live safely, regardless of gender, caste, or wealth.
【クライアント一覧】 ◆メタップス様(採用全体の統括) ◆面白法人カヤック様(グループ全体の組織開発および一グループ会社の採用統括)
◆新卒採用方針・戦略策定 ◆広報施策企画・実行 ◆選考戦略・評価項目・手法の検討・実行 ◆内定者フォローの企画・実行 ◆若手社員研修の企画・実行 ◆海外トレーニー派遣に伴う配属先検討・関係者調整
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