Ryosuke Matsumoto

Bizinc / Mobile application for global service

Ryosuke Matsumoto

Bizinc / Mobile application for global service

I am a highly experienced Full Stack Web and Blockchain Engineer with over 8 years of industry experience. I have extensive knowledge and expertise in building web applications and solutions, as well as experience with blockchain technology. Throughout my career, I have demonstrated my ability to work effectively in fast-paced environments, delivering high-quality, scalable solutions that meet the


In the future

I love to learn new technologies and combine several kinds of technologies. My gold is to be an engineer on top level within next 2 years who has many new technologies such as modern full stack, blockchain, AI etc....

Bizinc3 years

Mobile application for global servicePresent

- Present

Lead full stack developer

WorkWave4 years

Full Stack Engineer


- Rebuilt the Vue.js front-end application in Vue3, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. - Built a Node.js and TypeScript back-end for handling transaction reports, billing reports, invoicing systems, and more for crypto partners.

Freelancing3 years

Full Stack developer


- Built a front-end widget that is added as a single external script to an HTML page but works as a big library using vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. - Implemented a real-time chatting platform-building.

The University of Hong Kong4 years

Bachelor's Degree


Computer science.


  • NextJS

  • React.js

  • Laravel

  • WordPress


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