Jonathan Pilapil

CodeDrips / Software Engineer

Jonathan Pilapil

CodeDrips / Software Engineer

Proficient in various industries, including e-commerce, healthcare, fintech, and others, with a proven record of enhancing performance and boosting online sales. Notable achievements include the design and implementation of a pet-related system and a hotel-booking management system.


In the future

I aspire to explore new horizons by creating impactful and innovative projects that contribute positively to the world, embracing challenges across various domains.

CodeDrips9 months

Software Engineer(Side)Present

- Present

• Part-time Developer at CodeDrips, contributing to website development projects • Successfully completed a website for the real estate agency JT Allen,

10pct9 months

Lead DeveloperPresent

- Present

• Successfully led the end-to-end development of an innovative Hotel Booking Management System, meeting MVP objectives • Conducted AWS infrastructure setup, ensuring a robust and scalable foundation for the application

GFI Software3 years

Senior Software Engineer


• Streamlined software deployment by implementing agile processes and CI/CD pipelines, resulting in a 40% reduction in deployment time and a 25% improvement in code quality • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver a revamped user interface, driving a 15% inc

Episode Six2 years

Software Engineer


• Enhanced user experience and boosted conversion rate by 25% through implementation of cutting-edge front-end technologies • Optimized page speed by 30% and improved SEO, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement with high-performance UI development • Designed DB architecture to ensure speed and quality of back-end

InspiringApps3 years

Software Engineer


• Developed responsive and user-friendly websites, translating 10+ wireframes into seamless designs • Integrated APIs from 15+ third-party sources to enhance website functionality and user experience

Silliman University4 years

Bachelor of Computer Science


Data Structures & Algorithms, Software Engineering, OOP, Database


  • JavaScript

  • HTML

  • React

  • Git

  • PHP

  • CSS, TypeScript

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