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Brandon Hayato Cramblit

Swarthmore College / Japanese Chat Hour Tutor

Brandon Hayato Cramblit

Swarthmore College / Japanese Chat Hour Tutor



In the future


Swarthmore College2 years

Japanese Chat Hour Tutor(Side)Present

- Present

Facilitated and led a weekly one hour chat session in Japanese.

Frost & Sullivan Japan3 months

Cross-Industry Consultant Intern


Conducted a secondary search for projects involving sustainability and alternative energy. Conducted competitor analysis with an emphasis on sustainability. Ecosystem mapping of semiconductors and electronics industry. Created and organized reports using Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.

Swarthmore College5 months

Statistics Teacher Assistant(Side)


Organize and lead a weekly two hours study session for the statistics course at Swarthmore College. Assist the professor during a 75-minute class by facilitating group work and discussion. Support students with conducting and interpreting statistical analysis using Rstudio.

CCG Inc. 2 months

Associate Consultant Intern


Supported active recruitment assignments by researching and identifying candidates on LinkedIn through keyword searches. Identified a weekly average of 15 potential candidates. Translated emails and resumes from both English to Japanese and Japanese to English. Contributed to the traffic increase of the company website by making the website accessible through Google search.

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  • Regression analysis

  • Native-Level Japanese

  • Native-Level English


  • R

  • Python, Secondary search, C++


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Native

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