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Mitsugi Takayuki

瓜生山学園 京都造形芸術大学 / 非常勤講師Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan

Mitsugi Takayuki

瓜生山学園 京都造形芸術大学 / 非常勤講師

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

three trees design代表 / Director / Designer 京都府 京都市

瓜生山学園 京都造形芸術大学5 years


- Present

UI / UX / Webデザイン/ プレゼンテーション / ポートフォリオ制作など担当

瓜生山学園 京都芸術デザイン専門学校6 years


- Present

UI / UX / Webデザイン/ プレゼンテーション / ポートフォリオ制作など担当

three trees design12 years


- Present

Freelance Creative Director / Designer based on Kyoto, Japan.


    TOKUREE explores Japanese x American cultural exchange, with the social activity of sake brewing and drinking as its cornerstone. The name TOKUREE is our phonetic westernization of the Japanese word for a traditional sake serving vessel: tokkuri - 徳利 -. Our first TOKUREE collection is centered around two sets of porcelain sake-drinking tableware made in the village of Hizen Yoshida, on the island of Kyushu. The legendary kilns in this region have been making their pure white porcelain pottery from locally mined rock since the 16th century. These sake vessels are intended as daily-use pieces with an unpretentious, utilitarian spirit. That spirit is carried over to a complementary range of clothing and accessories, inspired by the laborious but delicate work of sake brewing.

TEDxKyoto12 years

Organizer / Creative DirectorPresent

- Present


京都外国語大学・京都外国語短期大学2 months



マルチリンガル事前学習 デザインベーシック講座 講師

NRI Netcom Inc.7 years

Web Director


Web director / Designer

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  • デザイン, ウェブデザイン, グラフィックデザイナー and 4 skills

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  • Japanese - Native

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