Roland Laures

Liant SASU / Founder/CEO/R&D Engineer

Roland Laures

Liant SASU / Founder/CEO/R&D Engineer

3 compagnies started, 8 products developped from scratch and brought to market, from radio protocols to air quality simulators or network appliances. R&D passionate, tech enthousiast and servant leader with broad knowledge and expertise in products lifecyle and global architectures (infrastructure, software & hardware).


In the future

World optimisation : reduce goods impact on nature and animals. Include energy efficiency, work done on useful things. I aim to be part of world technical transformation.

Liant SASU2 years

Founder/CEO/R&D EngineerPresent

- Present

Object : Realization of original projects, experimental developments and research in other physical and natural sciences. Current projects: - Speech recognition device - Entrepreneur platform

Octopus Lab SAS4 years

Infrastructures and production director


Startup providing indoor air quality previsions for new or restored buildings. Roles: – Lead-tech, methodologist and code quality manager for a team of 4 developers

R&D engineer (80% time job)

Achievements : – INDALO® : Designing and leading the development of initial project (including auto-deployment of VMs on the need to compute heavy simulations). – Gathering of external data parameters (through third-party API).

MOSS SAS3 months

Architect (part time transition)


Thalès/Airbus joint-venture in charge of projection management for the SCCOA program (Système de Commandement et de Conduite des Opéprations Aérospatiales). I made a study and description for a classified communication system evolution in the SCCOA 4 program.

Independant1 year



Mission: - system and application maintenance and evolution on a Ruby on Rails internal application for Veilleur des médias. - IT manager for SMEs - various small missions

Semifir SAS1 year

General director


Consulting and Teaching compagny : infrastructure, network and development.

Gnuside SAS7 years



IT Consulting company : infrastructure, network and development. I co-founded this company with university classmates.

General director

IT Consulting company : infrastructure, network and development. I co-founded this company with university classmates.

General director(Side)

IT Consulting company : infrastructure, network and development. I co-founded this company with University classmates. I was in charge of bureaucratie and paperwork.

Podium IT SAS7 years

R&D Engineer -> R&D Director


Data capture specialized service development company. Holder of a patent on MobileSensor® technology. Oscillated from 5 to 10 people. I began by being an intern and then was employed in September of 2006, I developed a GPS dog collar working on GPRS (co-design of the devic

Université Paris Diderot - Paris 76 years

Master's degree


Degree's title: Sciences, health and applications ; Theme: Mathematics and computer science ; specialty: engineering computer Science Main course topics: Embedded and network courses (from multimedia to file transferts) ; Distributed systems ; software engineering.


Degree's title: mathematical and computer engineering. Main courses topics: software engineering ; theory and practice of algorithmic ; object oriented, functional, imperative and logical programming ; many programmatic languages (C, C++, Java, Ocaml, Prolog).


  • French - Native
  • English - Professional

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