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Freelance / NLP Business Coach
Worked in corporate for over 10+ years in various companies from the bottom laboratory technician to an engineer. Explored and been with various start-up companies while holding multiple roles. Specialized in dealing with customers, creating business and problem solving. Trained in NLP skills for excellent teamworkor independent work. Avid learner of science and psychology; greatly interested in technology.
Coaching individuals, from students to employees, executives, C-level execs on congruency, business blind spots, emotional control, people skills.
Start-up IT company, handled setting up company systems, procurement, planning and setting up products, technical solutions for customers as well as working with external programmers.
Start-up air testing company. Handle setting up of laboratory, procurement of equipment, attaining SINGLAS certification, liaison with customers, managing standards, operations and accreditation.
Assist customers with their testing needs. Working hand in hand with Government entities; BCA, HDB, SINGLAS. Setting up new business laboratories and testing while writing up grants from SPRING.
Polymer modification and testing, Quality control and technical support for customers worldwide. Worked with head scientist in 3M US and all other engineers from different parts of the world.