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Design Researcher / UX Designer

UX Designer

on 2018-08-24


8 requested to visit

Design Researcher / UX Designer

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Hiroaki Sato

代表取締役社長 【略歴】 平成16年 中央大学 商学部 中退 株式会社Fusion'z 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 平成24年 新潟ビール醸造株式会社 取締役 就任 平成26年 Lawson Staff株式会社 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 平成27年 ローソンファーム新潟 取締役 就任 平成27年 株式会社Fusion'z Holdings 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 【主な社会における活動等】 平成25年 新潟ベトナム協会 理事就任

Hiroyuki Chiba

取締役 Fusion'z Group 採用責任者。 1999年上智大学理工学部を卒業。株式会社インテリジェンス(現パーソルキャリア)へ新卒入社。人材紹介事業部での営業・キャリアコンサルタントのマネジメント業務を経験。その後2007年株式会社ローソンへ転職。全国20万人のアルバイト採用・定着に関して、企画・立案・立案を実施。2014年Fusion'zHLDとの合弁会社であるローソンスタッフ社をローソン側から設立。全国展開する派遣事業、訪日前の留学生やワーキングホリデーの方の為の海外拠点の開設(ベトナム・韓国)、採用コールセンター設立などを実施。2019Fusion'zHLD取締役に就任。

Vink Jun


Steve Hiroshi Sakanashi

I'm an Outside Director (社外取締役) at Fusion'z Holdings, connecting our Japan-based business to the latest insights and trends from Silicon Valley and around the world. As a Japanese American who grew up in Los Angeles/Seattle, I'm passionate about blending the best parts of Japan and America into s...

株式会社Matchbox Technologies's members

代表取締役社長 【略歴】 平成16年 中央大学 商学部 中退 株式会社Fusion'z 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 平成24年 新潟ビール醸造株式会社 取締役 就任 平成26年 Lawson Staff株式会社 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 平成27年 ローソンファーム新潟 取締役 就任 平成27年 株式会社Fusion'z Holdings 創業 代表取締役社長 就任 【主な社会における活動等】 平成25年 新潟ベトナム協会 理事就任

What we do

Fusion'z Holdings has a vision to improve the way Japanese companies relate to their employees. Starting from retail roots with 42 stores and more than 1500 staff we are now building SaaS products to help employees and employers work together better. We have software across, HR, Fintech and Store Management. We believe in people's unlimited potential as long as they take on an equal amount of responsibility. How do people find part-time work? How to keep them engaged at work and growing in their life, not just their job? How to best support over-worked business owners in their struggle to find staff amid a national labor shortage? — This is the social context of our product range. Is this the kind of thing you care about? We are growing our design strategy team that is the meeting point of business, engineering and customer experience. We need a new member — you may be a fresh graduate or just finished retraining for a career change – who wants to get into the action fast and not be stuck in a dry training program at a corporate for the next year. You can learn more about our company at
■Fusion’z社『身近なセカイの笑顔をつくる』 東京・神奈川・埼玉・新潟を中心に現在45店舗のローソンを経営しています。商売の原理原則がここにはあります。お客様との日常には多くの学びがあり、成長の機会が詰まっています。世の中の課題を自ら向き合って、身近な人を笑顔にするリーダーを育成・輩出していきます。
★Lawson staff社『世界のみんなが笑顔で働くセカイをつくる』 世の中の「人財不足」という課題に対し、『ほんとはもっと自分に合ったところで働きたい。成長できるところで働きたい』という働く人のニーズを満たすことで解決する人財サービス企業です。働きたい人は日本だけにとどまらず、中国・ベトナム・ミャンマーなどの海外にも拠点を設け、日本に留学予定の学生たちを現地で育成、来日後に店舗に派遣・紹介する取り組みを行っています。『Be a Hero』誰もが輝くステージがココにはあります。

What we do

■Fusion’z社『身近なセカイの笑顔をつくる』 東京・神奈川・埼玉・新潟を中心に現在45店舗のローソンを経営しています。商売の原理原則がここにはあります。お客様との日常には多くの学びがあり、成長の機会が詰まっています。世の中の課題を自ら向き合って、身近な人を笑顔にするリーダーを育成・輩出していきます。

★Lawson staff社『世界のみんなが笑顔で働くセカイをつくる』 世の中の「人財不足」という課題に対し、『ほんとはもっと自分に合ったところで働きたい。成長できるところで働きたい』という働く人のニーズを満たすことで解決する人財サービス企業です。働きたい人は日本だけにとどまらず、中国・ベトナム・ミャンマーなどの海外にも拠点を設け、日本に留学予定の学生たちを現地で育成、来日後に店舗に派遣・紹介する取り組みを行っています。『Be a Hero』誰もが輝くステージがココにはあります。

Fusion'z Holdings has a vision to improve the way Japanese companies relate to their employees. Starting from retail roots with 42 stores and more than 1500 staff we are now building SaaS products to help employees and employers work together better. We have software across, HR, Fintech and Store Management. We believe in people's unlimited potential as long as they take on an equal amount of responsibility. How do people find part-time work? How to keep them engaged at work and growing in their life, not just their job? How to best support over-worked business owners in their struggle to find staff amid a national labor shortage? — This is the social context of our product range. Is this the kind of thing you care about? We are growing our design strategy team that is the meeting point of business, engineering and customer experience. We need a new member — you may be a fresh graduate or just finished retraining for a career change – who wants to get into the action fast and not be stuck in a dry training program at a corporate for the next year. You can learn more about our company at

How we do


— You can move with a quickly changing company. You are ok with doing different tasks as the business needs. You take responsibility for your own career and learning. — You need to care more about making a valuable contribution than how long you are in the office. There's no regular nomikais, there is rarely a member here before our 10am start or after 7:30pm. And depending on your situation, we can negotiate shorter than full-time hours. — You value people more than numbers. We know how difficult work can be for employers and employees and we are trying to build products that help people have a healthy relationship with their work. So you will model this in your own work too. — You want to see your designs having a daily impact whilst also being something you can go back, review and improve. That you take ownership of the products that you work on. — You wisely choose when to take responsibility for problems you encounter to help the company grow. — You candidly share views and fears to the team in appropriate ways to help everyone grow whilst also realising sacrifices are needed as we are a team working together towards our goal. You will not fit: — If you want a comfortable job where every day is the same kind of thing: You would find the flux in the business difficult. — If you think that the problems are always someone else's job to fix: You will be waiting a long time. — If you want completely different brands or business types to work with all the time: Go work at an ad agency or a consultancy. We have similar customers all the time and the same brands but we have many different challenges in helping them. — If you want to be a rockstar coder or designer: Your energy would be wasted here. We really need someone who wants to help the team and show empathy to our customers so we can build tools to help them in their struggles.

As a new team member

We will be judging you based on how you think and how you care about customers, as displayed in your portfolio of UI & UX designs or research assignments that show your process and decision making. We also need people with a diverse background familiar with the breadth of Japanese culture, that are prepared to learn from anyone, make sure your application shows us about where you come from and what matters to you. We want to see your engagement with the community. We will review portfolios quickly so be sure to have your best work structured clearly. Note: If you don't show enough process in your portfolio we may require you to do a small unpaid design task, estimated 4hrs, to help us understand you better. This design task is unrelated to our products and will not be used by our team – it is not spec work. It is purely to show us how you think and work. Please provide a URL to a PDF or website that contains: – Images/Videos/Experiences of your work that clearly explain your design decisions – CV/Bio that explains your education and work history
1 recommendation

1 recommendation

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  2. Wait for a reply
  3. Set a date
  4. Meet up

Company info

Founded on 07/2015

110 members

  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Expanding business abroad/
