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Shinji Fukumoto
Ash Curkpatrick
Originally from the Middle of Nowhere, Australia - for some strange reason I've now found myself to be the creative lead at Miraidenshi Technology, a startup in Osaka, Japan. I've had over 10 years of largely varied industry experiences. I have a background in interactive media, branding, and advertising. For 6 years I worked at Dentsu Isobar in Melbourne Australia where I worked on a huge range of brands such as Jetstar, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Holden/Chevrolet, ANZ Bank and many more. I've also had experience as a freelance animator and illustrator, along with various jobs focussing on UX and interfaces. As for my educational background I studied animation and interactive media at RMIT University in Melbourne, Japan and also received a diploma in multimedia from Melbourne Polytechnic. Oh, also, I like pigs.
Kaede Mori
学生時代からYAOYA株式会社のインターンとして参加。webデザイナー / webコーダー/webディレクターとしてインターン時代から約3年、web制作案件を担当。その後、フロントエンジニアとしてReactを中心にwebアプリ開発に加わる。デザイナー / エンジニアの経験を活かし、現在はゲーム開発チームでデベロッパーとして活躍。
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Founded on 08/2010
38 members
大阪府大阪市西区北堀江1-19-1 八光心斎橋AIRビル7F