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on 2023-12-27
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Sherman is very passionate about building inclusive communities, and making the world a kinder, more empathetic place in a sustainable way. At Happiness Initiative, he leads the marketing and business development efforts, where he tries to bring new and innovative ideas to life. Since 2017, he has led his team to launch various games and products for people to learn about well-being, including Let’s Unpack This, Mindset Jump, and the Well-being Journal. He has also run various public initiatives such as the Happiness Film Festival, and the Happiness Conference. Outside of his work, Sherman is very passionate about film. He has organised close to 20 film festivals over the past decade, including the MINDS Film Festival, which aims to raise awareness for people with intellectual disabilities. Prior to Happiness Initiative, Sherman started his career as a commodities trader covering Africa, spending a lot of time in the continent. The experiences he had in the continent broadened his perspective of the world rather profoundly, which eventually led him on the journey to start Happiness Initiative.
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30 Prinsep Street #06-01 Singapore 188647