Kuan Ying Wu

株式会社デザイニウム / Interaction engineer/designerTokyo

Kuan Ying Wu

株式会社デザイニウム / Interaction engineer/designer

Interaction Engineer/Designer

Interactive designer at theDesignium Inc.


In the future

Interactive design and engineer, Games or exhibitions with digital art and embodied interaction. VR/ AR

About 株式会社デザイニウム

株式会社デザイニウム6 years

Interaction engineer/designerPresent

- Present

Responsible for creating immersive interactive experiences, sensor utilization, and AR/XR prototyping development

Mutienliao Co., Ltd.11 years

Interaction Designer


A interactive design company of Taiwan. We do a lot digital media projects with hardware, performance and art. Especially focus on interaction installation for kids

HCI Research Institute in Madeira, Portugal4 months

Research Assistant(Intern)


The 3 months short term research exchange. We focus on gaze interactive and try to connect different user experience. During the 3 months, we finished 3 different projects then publish 3 research project on TEI, CHI and SIGGRAPH.

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