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Hi, I am a student at the University of Hong Kong. And I am studying marketing as major and human resources as a minor. I have been worked as an internship in AIA as a Financial Planner. I also worked as a teaching assistant at Kumon Limited. Also, I have been worked as a charter operator officer and marketing assistant in L’Voyage. In my latest internship, I worked in the Learning and Developmen


In the future

As I studied in Marketing , I hope I can develop my career in the marketing aspect.

Ernst & Young8 months

Learning and Development Team(Intern)


- Support execution of HR initiatives or events - Support new joiner orientation and employee separation logistics arrangement - Assist in the creation and maintenance of employee personnel record

DGA Group - L’Voyage3 months

Charter operator officer and marketing intern(Intern)


- Regular phone or video meeting with the clients - Follow Crystal Cruise marketing project - Price searching - Schedule planning - Customer service - Private Jet Providing Service

AIA2 years

Working internship: Financial Planner(Intern)


- Conducting insurance product mix comparison analysis - Data analysis - Doing research on financial products and insurance products

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