"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships." M.Jordan
We’re a team of diverse go-getters who’ve built Zave with the intention of making big changes in the Corporate Governance space and the desire to make the journey of entrepreneurship just a tiny bit easier.
From the CEO to the newly joined employees, everyone has equal standing on communication. Employees are encouraged to speak up and healthy conflict is encouraged.
The team often has lunch together and each individual takes the turn to share something that interests them lately.
Zave encourages employees to take up responsibilities and venture into new job scope whenever an opportunity arises for employees.
Continuous product improvement with weekly scrum sessions
Decisions are made based on data to make sure that all parties are treated equally.
Monthly town hall is held to gather feedback from employees. Apart from that, for employees who are introvert / shy, we provide different channel for them to provide feedback to the company.
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Company info
#16-10, SBF Center, 160 Robinson Road
Founded on 2017/8
Founded by Alan Schmoll
23 members