
What we do

STRIPS Finance is one of the world's first decentralized interest rate margin trading platform. Interest rate swaps (IRS) allow participants to swap variable interest rates for fixed interest rates. The IRS market is one of the most important pillars of finance. There are currently no great options to trade interest rates in decentralized finance, and STRIPS aims to solve this problem by building the first natively decentralized interest rate derivatives exchange on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and subsequently on Solana (SOL).

Why we do

Interest rates touch every single aspect of finance. What started as a frustration for the inability to hedge interest rate risks in DeFi, turned into an idea to build the world's first decentralized interest rate trading platform.

How we do

1. Bring on board the right people 2. Build something useful 3. Listen to your customers 4. Collaboration triumphs competition 5. Build for 10x