Team Up and Game On!
Team Up and Game One.Accroding to COVID-19, we understood many client users are facing huge impact in financially. KABOB will keep our service and make sure all products are stable for every user.Since company setup, between KABOB teams had routine remote work at very begining. We belive concentr...
Stay safe and see you again soon.
Stay safe and see you again soon. In during holidays and COVID-19 Prevention, Thanks for every users’ support at the moment. Few weeks ago, the policy of work-at-home and COVID-19 prevention have been conducted in KABOB Office. FY20 Q2 has already begun, wish everyone be safe and healthy. And get...
KABOB, we serve our users in Japan now!
KABOBリテールクラウドサービスは現在 300超えのブランドのソリューション導入、端末の実装数が30,000超えの実績があり、世界中有名なブランドも絶えなく殺到する。マクドナルド、バーガーキング、アパマンショップなどの導入実績、AI、BigDate、SaaS Appsなどのソリューション導入、店舗管理をもっとスマートに!In-Store Promotion Apps:- Lookr Digital Signage- Voicer BGM MasterStaff Management Apps:- Teachor Staff Training - Pathor HR Developmen...