What we do
Dreamly is a startup aiming to re-humanize IT from small town Japan with an international mindset and also providing cutting edge software development skills to new product development initiatives all over Japan & Scandinavia.
・QOL(Quality of life)を向上させるBluetoothデバイスとそれをコントロールするモバイルアプリ
Providing our skills as Startup-as-a-Service
It's important for us to share our know-how with other startups in Japan who are trying to make something truly unique, providing concrete sustainable value to their end-users. We've been working with disruptive startups in various stages and industries all over Japan since the start, doing everything from smartphone app development to IoT. From 2022 we're also providing services in areas such as AI & Machine Learning and Blockchain & cryptocurrencies.
Due to the way we work with our customers we've rebranded our business from being a "simple" outsourcing company to a tech partner, or rather executing the role of an external CTO on behalf of our clients.
This we do by providing a dedicated remote agile team which is working closely together with our customers with the aim of not only creating product value but also enabling our customers to implement sustainable development practices in order to support their own future inhouse development team.
☆代表のラーシュ・ラーションはPanasonicのInnovation Advisorであり、香川県デジタル化推進戦略委員の一員でもあります。
Why we do
事業成長支援プログラム「Booster Garage」グランプリ受賞
We are going to support Tomorrows' Engineers
The IT industry in Japan is infamous for overtime, harsh work conditions and low salaries. The consequences are evident upon society due to lagging digital transformation but also in the scarcity of Tech startups. Sweden, the homeland of our CEO, stands in stark contrast and we believe it doesn't need to be like this. Lack of higher level education, job market information and access to global job opportunities are but a few of the factors playing into why software engineers are not given the appreciation for the value they provide, and also why they themselves don't push for it.
We're on the path of bringing back passion in life to the Engineers and creating a new eco-system aiming for sustainability in software innovation, enabling Japan to not lose, but gain, the invaluable manpower to transform Japan into tomorrow.
This we will do by bringing renowned Swedish innovation and the sense of Japanese craftsmanship together while working tightly together with our users but also by working with Scandinavian customers, exposing a wider & more diversified range of problems and solutions to our engineers.
How we do
現在は主に、React, Golang, Flutterを用いて開発しています。北欧出身のCEOのため基本的にグローバルを基準にモダン技術スタックをメインに取り入れています。(※クライアント案件ではニーズに寄り添い、日本で主流の技術スタックを選定することもあります。)
県内では、裁量労働制を導入した先駆的企業であるDreamly。"Freedom under responsibility" の精神のもと、信頼ある行動と成果さえきちんと発揮していれば、フレキシブルなワークスタイルが実現可能です。
◻︎Try, Fail, Iterate!の精神
「とにかくやってみる!」 これは、異国で起業したCEOがまさに体現してきたことです。また、恐れず挑戦できる環境を生み出すため私たちは心理的安全性を重視しています。