

Turnpoint Consultingでは現在、積極的に採用を行っております!今回は、採用に対する考えや想いを、社長に訊いてみました!



採用プロジェクトの裏側!~①最近の採用事情、求める人材像~ | Turnpoint Consulting株式会社
Turnpoint Consultingでは現在、積極的に採用を行っております!ところで、実際の採用の様子はどんな感じなのでしょうか?今回は、採用担当者ににインタビューしてみました。転職活動にお...


ー Representative Director


 2016年、自身が専任していた自動車業界に特化したTurnpoint Consulting株式会社を設立。設立当初は社長のみでシェアオフィスで働いていたものを、20名規模の会社に成長させ、業界の人材マーケットを支え続けている。


ー 現在積極的に採用を行っていますが、会社の規模が大きくなることで会社はどのように成長していくのでしょうか?会社のビジョンに対するアプローチや社風にどのような変化があるのでしょうか?

Our plan has always been to grow to a certain size of around 40 consultants and remain dedicated to our industry specialization with the aim to completely dominate our markets by providing truly first class customer-oriented consulting services.  

At the moment we are still in a strong hiring focused stage in our development and as we grow we will most likely see more teams be formed and this also means there are plenty of opportunities for consultants to step up into leadership roles such as team leader, manager or senior manager roles.  Currently every new employee has a really big impact on the company culture.  

We focus on continuously improving the quality and productivity of our consultants and when we reach our optimal size for our markets, we will close the door for new hiring. I believe that as our reputation grows we will become a firm that people aspire to want to join because there are limited seats at the table.  

Its also very important to mention that since our inception we have had a very solid back office and our Head of Operations will continue to develop the back office function to provide world-class operations to enable us to achieve our corporate goals.  


 ー 10年後に目指しているTurnpoint Consultingの姿を教えてください!

Crucially we will have put in a lot of effort into not only our consultant training but also in our team manager focused training so that our managers are exceptionally well regarded for leading high performance teams.  

Our brand will be extremely well known in the automotive, mobility and semiconductor markets and our consultants will be highly recognized for the value of their recruitment services.  

We will have a global mobility program available to top performers who want to transition into other geographies and our industry knowledge, client base and candidate network will be unrivalled.  

In 10 years, we plan to be present in 3 countries, Japan as the global HQ and with a US Branch and a German Branch. Further into the future we want to also have a presence in India and China.   


ー そのビジョンを達成するためにも、新メンバーの存在は重要ですね!採用面接の際にはどのような素質を見ていますか?

We do look for employees who align with our values of being trustworthy, respectful, professional, committed and always striving to improve. I also look for employees who have a contribution mentality and are extremely goal driven.  

We value face-to-face communication, so we are working proudly in the office closely with colleagues to allow for knowledge transfer and community building within the firm – so we look for employees who also share this belief.  

コーポレートバリュー(Trustworthy, Respectful, Professional, committed, continuous improvement)に合致する人を求めている。貢献する姿勢と強い目標志向を持っているかを重視している。

ー 社員の中でも特に印象的なキャリアパスはありますか?

There are just so many but the most stellar growth we have seen is Marcel Bliss who is currently a Senior Principle Consultant & Team Manager and he joined in March of 2022 as an Associate Consultant and he adapted to being a recruiter like he was born to do it. 5 grade promotions in 3 years is spectacular and it is such a wonderful example of hard work and commitment to results leading to phenomenal career progress.  



【社員インタビュー】Vol. 5 マルセル|Driving Results | Turnpoint Consulting株式会社
Turnpoint Consultingでは現在、積極的に採用を行っております!今回は、業界未経験で入社後に飛躍的な成長を遂げ、現在マネージャーとして活躍している社員にインタビューを行った様子...

ー Turnpoint Consultingを作ってよかったと思う瞬間はありますか?社員と共に過ごした時間の中で特に印象に残っている瞬間はありますか?

For me I feel so proud of what we create when we are recognized in the market. While we are a sales organization, the memories of our customers, both companies and candidates, expressing their gratitude to us for being a turning point for their careers or companies is truly heart-warming and reminds us of the value we can create in the market through our services.   

For memorable moments with employees we have so many as well because we have seen people join us when they are early in their careers, get promoted, get great performance bonuses, purchase their first house, get married and have kids. To be a part of those moments as an employer and watch those turning points in our employees’ careers makes me very happy.   

I also really treasure our company trips because we get to see each other outside of work and to just enjoy experiences together.  


ー 社員に対してどのように感じていますか? 

Honestly I feel gratitude to our employees because while I believe we offer a great career for them here at Turnpoint Consulting, I appreciate them for believing in our vision and for taking the leap to join what is still a relatively boutique sized company.  

I can see how they work hard and want to contribute to their customers and to the growth of Turnpoint Consulting. This makes me really proud to work with them. 


ー 最後に、Turnpoint Consultingに興味を持ってくれた方々に一言お願いします!

Your efforts and your contribution will have a significant impact on the growth of the company and you can work in an environment where everyone is ready to stop what they are doing to help you when you need it.  So if you are ambitious, hard working and find joy in consultative sales then you really need to get in touch. It can be your Turnpoint.  



私たちは、そんなTurnpoint Consultingの仲間として、時に和気あいあいと、時に切磋琢磨しながら、個人の成長、会社の成長を追い求めていける方を募集しています。

● もっとTurnpoint Consultingについて知りたい!そう思ってくださりましたら、是非とも弊社ホームページもチェックしてみてください◎

● 私たちと共に働きたい!そう思ってくださりましたら、是非エントリーをお願いします!

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