
【the need for intern I think】私が考えるインターンの必要性

6月22日~8月23日の間、アメリカから来日し、エンジニアインターンとして活躍してくれていた レダ からのメッセージです!!


An Intern may require a variety of things when committing to an internship. To begin, an intern needs a work-life balance. A good intern with a balance of time to work, as well as having time to be able to relax and live their private lives will be able to accomplish a lot more. Working too much will exhaust the intern, where as relaxing too much will make the intern lazy. An intern also requires to be in a community. Being an introvert is more troubling than communicating. An intern who is an introvert will have trouble asking for help when stuck and will not improve communication skills. It is a very lonely and taxing position and one that absolutely needs to be avoided. Interns also need to practice their desired profession. For example, being a programmer requires tons of practice where a person will need to code up a made up project. A game developer who is required to use a software will need to come up with several projects and attempt to solve their own problems and learn the skillset. This also leads up to the next, and final need, a portfolio. A portfolio is practically a certificate of authenticity for an intern, where it shows the intern’s acquired skillset and accomplishments.




また、インターンはコミュニティに参加することも必要です。内向的であることは、コミュニケーションよりも厄介です。内向的なインターンは、行き詰まったときに助けを求めることが難しく、コミュニケーション スキルは向上しません。それは非常に孤独で負担のかかる立場であり、絶対に避けるべきものです。


Reda Akrab










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