
Data/AIの海にチームで飛び込め -AI Study Group

<English follows Japanese>

KPMG Ignition Tokyo(KIT)には「AI Study Group」という、KITのデータサイエンティストを中心としたAI技術に関する勉強会があり、毎週1回社内の誰でも参加が可能なオープンな場で、様々なトピックについてディスカッションしています。今回は、この勉強会の誕生秘話や現在の活動について、Talent Management Teamの川野がData/AI Guild Leader, Senior Scientist のHaiyang Pengに話を聞きました。インタビューを通して見えてきたKITの魅力をお伝えできればと考えています。

AI Study Group はどうやって始まった?

Data/AI Guild Leader, Senior Scientist Haiyang Peng

川野:私がKITで働き始めてからもう一年以上たちますが、そのころにはすでにこの勉強会がありましたよね。本日はAI Study Groupについて詳しく聞きたいと思います。まず初めにこのStudy Groupを始めたきっかけを教えて頂けますか?

Haiyang:私が入社したばかりの頃、KITにはまだデータサイエンティストがそんなに大勢所属していませんでしたが、会社は当時すでにAIソリューションの様々なビジネスチャンスを強く認識していました。また、エンジニアチームでもプロジェクトでいくつかのAIテクノロジーを使用しており、組織全体としてAI知識を深めたい、というニーズがありました。そこで私は入社後2カ月目にして、現在のStudy Groupを立ち上げることになったのです。データサイエンティスト向けの専門的な勉強会ではなく、『AI技術の基礎をより体系的に理解し、チームを越えて継続的に学び合いの場を持つこと』を目的としました。そこから得た知識をKITのプロジェクトやテクノロジー開発に活かしたい、と考えたからです。そのため、ソフトウェアエンジニアやUX/UIデザイナー、リサーチャーと幅広い人達が参加し、またマネジメントチームの皆さんの大きな支援もあり、この勉強会は始まりました。


AI Study Groupが目指すもの




チームを次のステージへ AI Study Group 2.0

川野:確かに、優秀な人材がやりたいことをできる場を提供できたら、会社にとっても理想的ですね。潜在能力の発掘と育成の場になるという観点から、非常に重要な取り組みと言えると思います。では、データサイエンティストのチームメンバーは、AI Study Groupではどんな風に活動をしているのでしょうか?以前とは違いますか?またトピックはどのように選んでいますか?

Haiyang:現在この勉強会はAI Study Group 2.0といっても良いと思います。大分進化しましたよ。現在はデータサイエンティストも大勢いますので、より高度で専門的な内容にシフトしています。オーガナイザーも私だけではなく、持ち回りで他のメンバーが担当する回もあります。扱うトピックに応じて講師を選んでプレゼンしてもらい、その後質疑応答セッションが行われます。トピックは、メンバーや講師からの提案、またはオンラインコースなどで自分が勉強した内容等から選ばれます。特に縛りは無く、自由に選ぶことができます。例えば、自学でわからない問題があった場合それを勉強会で提起して話し合う、という事も可能ですし、勉強の成果を発表することもできます。アサインされているプロジェクトに関連している必要も全くありません。このセッションで一番勉強になるのは講師自身ですね。発表するための準備をしっかりする必要があり、ここをいい加減にするととても鋭い質問が飛んできますし、フィードバックアンケートにも厳しいコメントが書かれてしまいます。率直な議論をするようにしているので、白熱したことも多くあります(笑)



川野:Haiyangの言う通りですね。進化を続けているAI Study Groupですが、今後はどのようなことを達成したいと考えていますか?



Haiyang:一言でいうととても有機的です。個々の社員が高い専門性を持って組織の中で独立して活躍している一方で、チームとしてもしっかりまとまっています。メンバーの多様性を認め、コミュニケーションをしっかり取り協力するという文化はAI Study Groupでも育まれていると思います。

KITの代表でCEOの茶谷のビジョンを借りて説明すると、このチームの目指す姿はB.I.Gの三文字で表すことができます。1つ目はKPMGグループ内でトップクオリティのチームになる(Become)こと、2つ目はKPMGグループのビジネスに対して既存の方法論/パラダイムを革新(Innovate)すること、そして最後は期待値を超える(Go beyond)ことです。自分たちが学ぶ過程を楽しめるように工夫し、準備することが苦にならないようなAI Study Groupにすることが理想です。

川野:今日話を聞いて、このチームならできると強く思えました。今後もデータサイエンティストチームとAI Study Groupの活躍から目が離せませんね!今日はありがとうございました。

Dive into the Ocean of Data/AI with the Team!

At KPMG Ignition Tokyo (KIT), we have "AI Study Group", a group mainly for data scientists to share and discuss about AI technology, that has been held and open to everyone in KIT every week, and various topics related to data science have been covered. This time, Kawano of the Talent Management Team interviewed Haiyang Peng of the Data/AI Guild about the story of this study group, current activities and what they want to achieve in the future.

How did the AI Study Group start?

Data/AI Guild Leader, Senior Scientist Haiyang Peng

Kawano: It's been over a year since I started working at KIT. I believe, at that time, we already had this study group going on. Today, I am so excited to take this opportunity to ask you about the AI​​Study Group. First of all, could you tell us how you started this Study Group?

Haiyang: When I first joined KIT, there were not many data scientists in the company yet, but the management team was already aware of the various business opportunities for AI solutions at that time. The engineer team was also using some AI technologies in the projects, and there was a clear need to deepen the AI ​​knowledge across the entire organization. So, two months after joining the company, I decided to launch a study group. It was not a group exclusively for data scientists but aimed "to have a more systematic understanding of the basis of AI technology and to be a place for continuous learning across teams." My short-term goal at that time was to try to bring AI innovation to KIT’s projects and technology development.

Therefore, with the great support of the management team, this study group started with the participation of a wide range of people such as software engineers, UX / UI designers and researchers. At first, as I said, there weren't many data scientists, so we didn't have a team like we do now. Under such circumstances, engineers who understood AI technologies sometimes gave lectures. We also used some online course material from universities, such as Stanford University to learn from fundamentals. I would say, being keen to “learn the latest technology” has brought us together since that time. New technologies are invented day by day in Data Science. It's quite challenging to catch up the trend if studying alone, so it's definitely more efficient to study with and learn from the whole team by sharing “what you don't understand or can't solve”, and needless to say, it’s fun, too.

What the AI Study Group is aiming for.

Kawano: I can see that well the initial purpose of the launch was to raise the knowledge level about AI technology for the entire company. It's been about two years since then, and as we have a very strong data science team now, I would like to know more about current activities and things that this study group is aiming for.

Haiyang: Basically, there are two. The first is that it could be a place to discover new talents. Since we belong to an organization, we basically work on the assigned projects every day. However, in reality, there are people who say for example, "Actually, I'm also interested in NLP (Natural Language Processing) and have been studying for a long time." I have been hoping we can offer a place for our members to present their capability and interest in a less formal occasion. We may start from there and connect those talents with potential projects in the future, which in returns contributes to KIT’s continuous growth.

The other is to prepare for what you want to do in the future. For example, some software engineers may want to become data scientists in the future. For such members, I think that this study group can be a great opportunity to learn about AI and data science, and it will be a good guideline for what they need to learn in the first place. As a result, this study group may be able to provide internal talents new opportunities within the company, which I believe, is also important for the company.

Team to the next stage “AI Study Group 2.0”

Kawano: Certainly, it is quite an ideal condition for the company to provide excellent talents a place to play an active role. It can be said that this is a very important initiative from the perspective of discovering and nurturing potential. So, how do data scientist team members do in the current AI ​​Study Group? Is it different from before? How do you choose the topic?

Haiyang: We are now “AI Study Group 2.0.” It has evolved a lot. Currently, there are many data scientists, so we are focusing more on advanced and specialized content. We have several organizers including myself, and other members take turn to be in charge of facilitating the session as well. Instructors are selected according to the topic. Topics are selected from members and instructors’ suggestions, or sometimes chosen from what members have learned from online courses. As there is no restriction on topic selection, you can choose anything as long as it somehow related to Data Science. For example, if you have a problem that you do not understand in your own study, you can bring it to a study group and discuss about it, or you can also show off your achievement. It doesn't even have to be associated with the assigned project at all.

You can learn the most by being an instructor because you need to be well prepared to make a presentation. If you ignore this part, you'll get very sharp questions, and might see some harsh comments on the feedback survey after each session. Since we encourage frank and straightforward discussions, there were many times when it got hot (laughs).

Kawano: When I visited the study group last time, I was surprised at the extremely serious discussion.

Haiyang: Right, people may be surprised at the first time (laughs). Every member including me does not like to leave things that we don't understand or are ambiguous, so it is always encouraged to discuss them thoroughly. I feel our team is a group of people who have a strong desire to keep up with the latest trend in the field of data science, so it may be natural to have a heated discussion. I believe the curiosity of new knowledge has been the driving force for members to join the discussion or even debates in the study group.

Kawano: Yes, I agree. The AI ​​Study Group is evolving, and then what do you want to achieve in the future?

Haiyang: The principals won’t be changed, but I hope this study group will always be a place for discussions, challenges, presentations, questions, debates, practices, or just a place to relax. We strongly hope that we can support all the learners in KIT through this opportunity. Going a little further, I would like our members to take advantage of this place as part of the team training program that started last year. For example, instead of taking an online course on your own and ending it, you can firmly establish that knowledge by presenting the content at this study group (needless to say, if you are taking a course with an empty mind and become a presenter, you will be in trouble during the session. (laughs)) ...

Kawano: I've always thought data scientists are doing something interesting besides their project works. How do you describe your team? What do you think the most attractive point about this team? What is the ultimate goal as a team in the future?

Haiyang: With one word, it's very organic. While individual member is highly specialized and performing independently within the company, they are also well organized as a team. I think that the AI ​​Study Group also fosters a culture of recognizing the diversity of members, communicating firmly, and cooperating. Please let me quote our President and CEO Chatani’s vision for this team in the future: B. I. G. The first is to Become a top-quality team within the KPMG Group, the second is to Innovate existing methodologies/paradigms for the KPMG Group's business, and finally to Go beyond expectations. We will keep trying to add more fun and entertainment to our learning journey. Ideally, we want to design a mechanism to ensure the efficiency of fun learning without overwhelming our speakers.

Kawano: Hearing the story today, I know this team can do it. Really cannot take my eye off of the activities of the Data Scientist Team and the AI ​​Study Group going forward! Thank you for your time today.

JP: https://home.kpmg/jp/ja/home/careers/memberfirm/kit/ai-study-group.html
EN: https://home.kpmg/jp/en/home/careers/kit/ai-study-group.html

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