Jennings: I'm a Solutions Engineer for the APAC region. I’m a former DevOps engineer and lifelong efficiency enthusiast. Outside of work, I enjoy running, origami, and playing with my three kids.
ーーーCircleCIにご入社した決め手は何でしたか?/ What made you join CircleCI?
Jennings: I had used several CI/CD tools in the past and was impressed with CircleCI’s SaaS CI/CD platform. It took a lot of the toil out of devops work and let me concentrate on the fun stuff. I interviewed with the company and was struck by how smart, humble, and friendly everyone was. I felt respected and valued–a rare experience during an interview!
実際の仕事内容 Job Responsibilities
ーーーソリューションエンジニアの業務内容を教えてください。/Tell me the job responsibility of Solutions Engineer, day to day tasks.
Jennings: One of my favorite parts of this job is that every day is different. My primary responsibility is speaking with developers and engineering managers to understand their technical and organizational needs and then explaining which of those needs CircleCI can meet. Sometimes this involves a simple chat; other times it requires a full product demo or custom test environments. Aside from that, I write posts for the CircleCI blog, host webinars about Devops and CI/CD best practices, develop new solutions to help make deployments easier, write knowledge base articles for internal use, and more. I am given free reign to work on the tasks that I find most enjoyable.
ーーーお客様はどのような課題が多くどのような提案を行なっていますか?/What type of inquiry and themes that you faced from the customers’ needs and how do you present CircleCI products?
Jennings: Most developers who come to us are struggling with one a few common issues. There are still many companies out there who do not have any sort of CI/CD or automation at all. At other companies, developers have started transitioning to devops culture, but they do not know how to convince non-technical leadership to support their efforts. And there are some companies where they have a working CI/CD tool and a functioning devops culture, but they found that they have outgrown their current tooling and need to upgrade to something more modern and powerful.
ーーーSEの大変だったことややりがいは何ですか?/ What motivates you the most to work as a Solutions Engineer?
Tadashi : これまで Web 業界にいたため、DevOps や CI/CD を導入しやすい環境だったと思います。しかし、お客様の状況(業界、セキュリティ、開発体制、開発者のスキルなど)は様々で、一筋縄で導入することが難しいと感じることが多いです。しかし一方でお客様の状況を理解し、学び、提案していく中で、CircleCI に価値を感じていただいた時にはとてもやりがいを感じます。
Jennings: Coming from devops engineering, it’s definitely the interaction with people that I like most. The only thing I enjoyed more than learning something new or building something cool as a devops engineer was the chance to explain what I learned and to show off the things I built to my colleagues. I also really enjoyed the rare times where I would get pulled in to a customer call as a technical resource, because I got the chance to delight customers by solving thorny problems for them. Now, as a solutions engineer, I get to do both all the time!
ーーーグローバルチーム(US ,EMEA)とはどんな連携がありますか?/How do you collaborate with the Global Team?
Jennings: CircleCI is a pretty “flat” organization, meaning that it’s easy to reach out and talk to just about anyone – even the CEO! Everyone uses Slack to communicate asynchronously. Having worked at companies that were very “siloed” in the past, CircleCI’s collaborative culture is very refreshing.
DevOpsの課題 DevOps Status Quo
ーーーSEから見て、実際DevOpsやCI/CDのマーケットはどんな感じですか?/From SE perspective, what do you think of DevOps and CI/CD market? (comparison btw ideal and reality, future perspective etc.)
Jennings: We are still in the early stages of the revolution that both devops culture and CI/CD tooling are bringing about. Many companies are still struggling to implement devops and cast off cumbersome, control-heavy processes. Many companies are still not convinced of the value of devops culture, which leads to an accelerating positive feedback loop. Even the most advanced companies out there with the strongest devops cultures are constantly revising and improving their processes and tooling! There’s a strong need for more SEs to evangelize devops culture and CI/CD tooling.
ーーーその上でCircleCIを導入するメリットは何ですか?/What is the merit and advantages to implement CircleCI?
Jennings: The obvious benefits are lower maintenance overhead, faster builds, and more developer control over the CI/CD process. But why does any of this matter? Because all of these things shorten feedback loops for developers. This enables your devs to code faster, which allows them to release new features and bugfixes faster, which allows your business to move faster, make more money, and overtake the competition.
ーーーこれからDevOpsやCI/CD(CircleCI)はどうなると思いますか?/How do you see DevOps and CI/CD(CircleCI) in the next few years?(3-5-10 years roadmap)
Jennings: I think we are going to see some of the largest companies finally move away from manual processes and waterfall development as it becomes clear that the costs of maintaining these legacy practices is prohibitive. I also expect to see CI/CD “tools” become CI/CD “platforms” – not narrowly focused on automating specific steps in the software delivery process, but acting as a “one stop shop” for tracking and shaping all stages of the software development cycle.
ーーーこれからSEとしてどのようなことにチャレンジしていきたいですか?/What do you want to challenge yourself as a Solutions Engineer for now on?
Jennings: Since I work with customers from all over the APAC region, I’m working on gaining a deeper understanding of the attitude towards devops, CI/CD, and automation in each of the region’s countries.
新しいSEをお迎えする上で About New SE Hiring
ーーーCircleCIのSEとなるにはどのような方がフィットしますか?/ What kind of person would be a good fit as a Solutions Engineer at CircleCI?
Tadashi : お客様の多くはエンジニアのため、これまでエンジニアと良いコミュニケーションを取ることができ、開発の悩みを理解・共感できる人が SE に向いていると考えています。
Jennings: A good candidate will have worked with developers in the past and managed CI/CD workflows. The candidate must also be a good speaker, but also a good listener – developers are often happy to talk about their problems if we just listen and are sympathetic! And of course, the candidate must be hungry to learn, experiment, and troubleshoot.
ーーーズバリCircleCIの魅力とは?!/Tell me the great facts of working at CircleCI?
Tadashi : 国内・国外かかわらず優秀な人と仕事ができる点です。特に日本拠点は SE のようなカスタマーエンジニアだけでなく、プロダクト開発を行っているエンジニアもいます。また、非エンジニア職種の方も優秀な方が多く、日々学ぶことが多いです。
Jennings: Awesome, intelligent, friendly coworkers. Great benefits (especially important for people with small kids!). Hard working engineers developing a great product. Friendly, approachable, inspiring leadership.