
Frontend development, Creative coding.


In the future

フロントエンドエンジニアでHTML、CSS、JavaScriptウエブ開発しています。 経験はSPA, 静的サイト、デジタルマーケティングです。CircleCI, Github, AWSの経験もあります。複数チーム、英語と日本語で活動できます。 React.js, サーバーサイドJavaScript, クリエティブコーディング、アニメーション、カーンバスにも興味があります。できれば、クリエティブ開発、エ

About WAmazing株式会社

WAmazing株式会社2 years



- SSR web application development with React.js / Next.js (TypeScript) - Static site development Vue.js / Gridsome - Translation file processing tooling (Node.js) - Developer onboarding - Lead Front-End development

About マネーツリー株式会社

マネーツリー株式会社4 years

Web Systems Engineer


- React SPA application development - UI development for other React/Rails and Angular SPA applications

Web Marketing Engineer

Languages: HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, RUBY, MARKDOWN Tools: CircleCI, Middleman, Contentful, Hubspot, Intercom, AWS, React Platforms: Desktop + Mobile browsers

プレイブレーン1 year



React.js, GraphQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Webpack Lead development for : https://leagueu.jp.leagueoflegends.com/

Freelance Front End Developer3 years

Web Developer


- Develop front-end web applications for desktop and mobile - HTML, CSS, JavaScript development - Node.js Development - iOS / Android development

Ranker INC.7 months

Front End Developer


Develop and implement site features for mobile and desktop browsers

F2M2 INC.2 years

Digital Developer


- Worked in a team of developers to develop web sites, web application and interactive projects. - Implement Javascript frameworks such as Backbone, Ember, Require, etc. into

CLAIR JET Program2 years

Assistant Language Teacher


- Assisted in the English education of Japanese Elementary and Junior High Schools - Take role of cultural ambassador in my community - Interact with people from many different countries and cultural backgrounds

University of Advancing Technology

BA: Multimedia

2D design principles 2D animation Basic programming and web development


  • React.js

  • HTML + CSS

  • processing + p5js

  • JavasScript + TypeScript

  • Next.js


Accomplishments / Portfolio

Awards and Certifications


  • English - Native
  • Japanese - Professional

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