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Global biz dev

on 2016-12-22


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Expanding business abroad
Expanding business abroad

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Kohta Satake

株式会社キュア・アップ 代表取締役社長, MD, MBA, MPH 1982年生まれ、慶應義塾大学医学部卒、都内と地方の病院にて内科医として勤務後、上海にあるアジアNo.1のビジネススクールCEIBSへMBA留学。その後、米国Johns Hopkins大学公衆衛生大学院にMPH留学し、医療インフォマティクス専攻。在学中CureAppのビジネスモデルを思いつき、帰国後起業。 カンボジアやラオスでの国際医療活動経験あり。また様々な医療現場を実際に見るために、これまで世界各国の病院を渡り歩いてきました。


Kohta Satake's story

Shin Suzuki

株式会社キュア・アップ 最高技術責任者(CTO) 1986年生まれ。慶應義塾大学卒。在学時よりプログラミング習得、起業も経験。 大学卒業後は、(株)カヤックなどWeb業界/生物情報学界でサービス/ライブラリ開発に関わる。ソフトウェア開発技術者/データベーススペシャリスト資格取得。

株式会社CureApp's members

株式会社キュア・アップ 代表取締役社長, MD, MBA, MPH 1982年生まれ、慶應義塾大学医学部卒、都内と地方の病院にて内科医として勤務後、上海にあるアジアNo.1のビジネススクールCEIBSへMBA留学。その後、米国Johns Hopkins大学公衆衛生大学院にMPH留学し、医療インフォマティクス専攻。在学中CureAppのビジネスモデルを思いつき、帰国後起業。 カンボジアやラオスでの国際医療活動経験あり。また様々な医療現場を実際に見るために、これまで世界各国の病院を渡り歩いてきました。

What we do

CureApp, Inc. is fast-growing digital health startup that aims to “treat and cure diseases through innovative mobile technology.” A team of software developers and medical professionals has developed smartphone apps to reduce the burden of disease of patients battling illnesses everyday.

What we do



CureApp, Inc. is fast-growing digital health startup that aims to “treat and cure diseases through innovative mobile technology.” A team of software developers and medical professionals has developed smartphone apps to reduce the burden of disease of patients battling illnesses everyday.

Why we do



CureApp, Inc. is a pioneer in digital health and we are the first to develop a disease management smartphone app in Japan. We believe that by monitoring patient behaviors and providing psychological support through apps, diseases can be managed and treated without the sole dependence on medicine. We are entering a revolutionary era where mobile technology will be able cure diseases through the combination of behavioral change, self-management and medicine.

How we do



CureApp, Inc. has already launched a smoking cessation app with Keio University and a behavioral management app for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NASH) with Tokyo University. These apps track patient habits and provide psychological support depending on the patient’s character and habits. Patients are able to self-manage their diseases and they can rely on the app for behavioral treatment suggestions. These apps are currently undergoing clinical trials in Japan. We are a fast paced health tech startup looking for a self-driven and passionate individual to launch our products into overseas markets. We believe in the future of mobile tech and medicine and we’re looking for someone who can spearhead this passion with us!

As a new team member

Job Description: Your role will be to develop and execute a market-entry strategy to launch CureApp, Inc. apps into overseas markets. You will spend the first 6 months in Tokyo working to understand the product and build relations with the Japan team. You will then move overseas for market research, relationship building and product launching. Your role will require you to:  -Conduct extensive market research of health startups, health insurance policies and payment systems overseas  -Develop an extensive market-entry strategy to implement apps into overseas markets  -Act as a liaison between Tokyo and new markets  -Collaborate with the product management team to localize apps  -Identify and build relationship with key experts in health tech, smoking cessation program, and health payer fields Requirements: ・Fluent in English, Business level Japanese ・Experience in business development and entrepreneurship ・Experience in strategizing and developing products ・Experience in scaling a product (ie: $10~ million in product revenue, reaching #1 downloaded app on iTunes/GooglePlay) Preferred Experience: ・Experience in academic research ・Experience in software development ・Experience in fund procurement ・Outstanding entrepreneurial and leadership skills ・Passion and experience in technology and healthcare markets Who are you? ・You understand and embody the CureApp, Inc. vision to “treat and cure diseases through innovative mobile technology” ・A great team player and excellent communication skills ・You embody “the power of passion and perseverance.” ・You are dedicated and thorough on implementing business plans ・You are innovative, independent and a positive thinker
21 recommendations

21 recommendations


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Founded on 07/2014

242 members

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  • Funded more than $1,000,000/

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