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on 2020-09-30
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Matt McDevitt
Matt is Parter and leader of QuantumBlack Japan. QuantumBlack is the Machine Learning/AI center of excellence within McKinsey & Company. Matt's role encompasses launching and operating QuantumBlack in Japan as an Associate Partner including leading programs with clients to leverage the latest and greatest technology around ML/AI while also ensuring significant business impact. Previously, Matt was Data Engineering Director at Think Big Analytics Teradata in Japan, UK and US. Matt was one of Think Big’s earliest team members playing many roles to help incubate and build Think Big over its 8-year history. From scratch he established Think Big offices in Mountain View, Salt Lake City, New York, London and Tokyo. Matt’s Program and Practice Management experience includes leading some of the world’s largest deployments of Big Data technologies including Hadoop, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Tensorflow, Spark, and NoSQL with an array of High Tech Manufacturing, Automotive, Pharma, Financial Services and CPG clients. Matt holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Stanford University and is certified in Japanese from the JLPT N3 exam. When he is not working on Big Data and Advanced Analytics, he enjoys a competitive round of pub trivia.
Tsubasa Itani
国内大手航空会社におけるデータサイエンティストとしての挑戦からAdvanced analyticsに魅せられ、現在はQuantumBlack/マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニーでコンサルタント 兼プロジェクトマネージャー 兼アナリティクストランスレータ として国内外の企業と共に機械学習モデルで日本のビジネスを変革
Takumi Kakazu
Company info
Founded on 01/2009
400 members
Ark Hills Sengokuyama Mori Tower 9-10 Tokyo 106-0032 Japan
Online meetup
Registration deadline Oct 28, 2020, 23:59
Online meetup
Company info
Founded on 01/2009
400 members
Ark Hills Sengokuyama Mori Tower 9-10 Tokyo 106-0032 Japan