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CS Leader to create new culture


on 2020-03-04


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CS Leader to create new culture

New Graduate・Internship
New Graduate・Internship

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Hidetaka Ko

2015年8月から16年2月まで株式会社Progate初のエンジニアインターン生としてプログラミング技術を習得。第3期文部科学省トビタテ!留学JAPANの奨学生としてアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州シリコンバレーに2年間留学。留学中の2016年2月から10月までデータアナリストとして「Exploratory」の開発・分析に従事。 その後、留学中の2016年11月に留学相談ができるシステムをオンラインで提供するサービス 「Diverseas」をリリース。株式会社ダイバーシーズを設立。 事業転換を経て、自宅の空き部屋を外国人に貸して共に住むホームシェアサービス「Homii」を開始。

Nobuhito Nisihara

遥か昔大学生だった頃に株式会社TeachersMarketを共同で創業し、主に開発を担当していました。2年半ほど働いたのちに前職を退任し、そのタイミングで大学院を中退しDiverseasにジョインしました。今は主に基本的に何でもします笑 ジョインして間もない頃は、開発環境のDocker化やRailsでAPIを書いたりしていましたが、今は主にマーケティングの運用や、メディアの作成をしています。 1年前の自分からすれば想像できないような人生を歩んでいますが、それなりに予測できない人生を楽しんでいると思います。 好きな言葉は「成功するまでやりきる」です。

Marcus Jackson

I studied Computer Science at Stanford University and graduated in 2016. In 2015, I went to Doshisha University to study abroad for a few months. I also did an internship at teamLab in Tokyo. After graduation in 2016, I returned to Japan, and I lived and taught English in Tottori Prefecture for two years on the JET Program. From August 2018, I joined Diverseas.

株式会社Diverseas's members

2015年8月から16年2月まで株式会社Progate初のエンジニアインターン生としてプログラミング技術を習得。第3期文部科学省トビタテ!留学JAPANの奨学生としてアメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州シリコンバレーに2年間留学。留学中の2016年2月から10月までデータアナリストとして「Exploratory」の開発・分析に従事。 その後、留学中の2016年11月に留学相談ができるシステムをオンラインで提供するサービス 「Diverseas」をリリース。株式会社ダイバーシーズを設立。 事業転換を経て、自宅の空き部屋を外国人に貸して共に住むホームシェアサービス「Homii」を開始。

What we do

Our Diverseas is operating the homestay platform “Homii”. is a website tomatch the guest whoislookingfor a place to live and the host who wants to provide an empty room at home. You can live for a minimum of one month. Homii is notonlya homestay matching service for international students. At the launch in March 2019, the service was launched exclusively for "foreign guests" and "Japanese hosts", but now it is a service that allows anyone to become a guest host regardless of nationality. The actual homestay experience offered by Homii can be easily understood by watching the following video featured on TV. Please have a look.
創業メンバーの4人。左から、Marcus、洪、西原 、三城。

What we do

Our Diverseas is operating the homestay platform “Homii”. is a website tomatch the guest whoislookingfor a place to live and the host who wants to provide an empty room at home. You can live for a minimum of one month. Homii is notonlya homestay matching service for international students. At the launch in March 2019, the service was launched exclusively for "foreign guests" and "Japanese hosts", but now it is a service that allows anyone to become a guest host regardless of nationality. The actual homestay experience offered by Homii can be easily understood by watching the following video featured on TV. Please have a look.

Why we do

Create a “new living culture” by expanding the “homestay experience”! “Homestay” is a standard of cross-cultural exchange and familiar with studying abroad. Diverseas is a startup that seeks to expand the “homestay experience” that everyone knows. How to extend the "homestay experience"? Speaking of homestay, the common partner is a foreign student of a different nationality or race, or a local family living aboard. However, even if they are both Japanese,it is believed that the experience of living together has great value,whenthere is adifference in occupation, generation, hometown, etc.If a student who moved to Tokyo to go to university can live in a grandpa's house who is living alone, instead of a dormitory or apartment ... If a student interested in Japanese traditional crafts can live in a craftsman's home ... Homii's aim is to mix the lives of people who have not been able to meet through "living". In Diverseas, such an “expanded homestay experience” means “mixed life” that raised as avision. The goal of Diverseasis to make the “new lifestyle” of “mixed life” a culture through the homestay service “Homii”. Thus, we set the homestay usage period at Homii to "minimum one month". There is one reason, itis a waste of time to just meet and stay for a while. The real pleasure of a mixed life is that "everyday life" changes into "a chance to meet unknown values". Airbnb has made it natural for "staying at someone else's home" in just 10 years. Homii's mission is to make "living in another person's house" naturally. Diverseas hasa "life experience of living", such as homestay and share house overseas, and members who believe in "the power of living together" are gathered. We are working together with Homiiʼs hosts and guests, who are drawn to the charm of mixed living, andmaking effortto expand the “homestay experience” tocreate a “new living culture”.

How we do

創業メンバーの4人。左から、Marcus、洪、西原 、三城。

The Homii Customer Success Team is seeking a Customer Success Team Manager to lead the entire Customer Success Team as it expands its business. The customer success team consists of two teams, one for each corresponding customer. The “Customer Success Team Supervision Manager” to be recruited this time will be tasked with leading two teams that serve different customers and increasing the value generated by the entire customer success team. The charm of Homii's customer success team.That is to be involved in the creation of experiences that will become “unforgettable memories of life”. Guests are using "Homii" for their "living in a new city" and hosts are excited about their new life at home. It is possible that the homestaywe providecan be the "best experience" that tears involuntarily or the "worst experience" that you never want to experience again.It is the fate of services related to "communication" between people, related to "house", which has a profound effecton daily life. Customer Success at Homii is the frontline task of helping guest hosts create the "best memories of their life" with awareness of their fate. A host who has long wanted to do a homestay but has been nervous. After your first guest's stay, youwill receive a variety of messages along with pictures of your daily fun. Homii is a service that is not complete on the Internet alone, and must provide valuable experiences offline. The difficulty of building an operation required by the Customer Success Team Manager is extremely high. And because it is deeply involved in the customer's life, failure is never forgiven. Diversities believe that customer success at Homii is very challenging due to the nature of these servicesThat's why we are looking for customer success professionals or whowant to be professionals.

As a new team member

■Duties overview ●Mission Maximize loyalty of both guest and host by supervising overall customer success ●DutiesDescription ・Strategy planning for both “Host Customer Success” and “Guest Customer Success” teams ・Project management necessary for implementing measures For Homii, the Customer Success Team is the section that is responsible for solving all of your issues, such as host posting, homestay support, and inquiries. It is also at the heart of service expansion and plays a very important role. We are looking for people who can launch the customer success team strategically, building the technology innovativeoperation,workingon solving the issues of the entire customer success teamactively. ■Specific work contents New operation construction and regularization-Collaboration with other teams (Product, Marketing)-Team management, KPI management, quality management, training. ■Requirements -Empathy for Homii's mission value -Experience in team design and management in CS / Operation / Planning -Project management experience such as business design / improvement based on quality -Communication skills (for management and members) -Those who can ask questions, take actions and drive the business, not waiting -Responsibility and ownership of business, process -A person who can make logical and fair decisions ■Working hours -Scheduled working hours: 10: 00-19: 00-Flextime system available (Core time: 12: 00-17: 00 [60-minutes-break]) ■Holiday / vacation -Full day off (two days)(Holidays, New Year holidays, etc.) We would like to understand our personnel affairs as much as possible and proceed with the selection process. When applying, be sure to check the following three points. Nice to meet you.①Reason for entering and interested in our company②Background③Desired working system (change of job as regular employee, contract employee, commitment from side job)
1 recommendation

1 recommendation

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Company info

Founded on 01/2018

4 members

  • Average age of employees in 20s/
  • CEO can code/

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