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Go Microservice Engineers Wanted!

Web Engineer

on 2019-08-23


14 requested to visit

Go Microservice Engineers Wanted!


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Ryu Yokoji

慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科修了。専攻はコンピュータサイエンス。在学時から、大手企業向けe-learningシステムや動産担保融資システムの開発に携わる。 2010年、大学院修了後はソニーにてさまざまなカメラ製品のミドルウェアの開発、品質向上に取り組んだ。 2012年7月 freee株式会社の創業に参加。スモールビジネスAIラボ所長。テクノロジーでひとびとの働き方を変えていきます

Yoshiyuki Asaba

北陸先端科学技術大学院大学にて形式仕様言語の研究に従事。 2003年、大学院修了後はSRA OSS, Inc. にてPostgreSQLやpgpoolのコンサルティングやOSS活動を行っていました。その後はMicrosoft、グリー、スタートアップ2社でキャリアを積みました。 現在はfreee株式会社にて、プロダクト基盤チーム(SRE, Biz基盤, CorporateIT)の責任者とエンジニア新卒採用の責任者を行っています。

Yuki Kuribayashi

2014年、20名ほどだった頃のfreeeへリクルーターとしてジョインし、500名を超える社員の採用へと関わっている。 新卒から中途まで、また様々な職種の採用に関わるが、現在は採用のマネージャーとして組織づくりに関わる。 自社採用力を強め、組織の強みを積極的に発信し採用活動を行う。 2016年 wantedly award 大賞受賞 2016年 ビズリーチ 企業賞受賞 2018年 wantedly award 受賞

Nob Hiraguri

2012年、新卒でfreeeに入社。 ソフトウェアエンジニアとして会計freee・給与計算freeeをリリースし、その後開発チームの組織づくりに携わる。趣味は子供とキャンプ。 東京大学法学部、千葉大学専門法務研究科卒。法務博士。

フリー株式会社's members

慶應義塾大学大学院理工学研究科修了。専攻はコンピュータサイエンス。在学時から、大手企業向けe-learningシステムや動産担保融資システムの開発に携わる。 2010年、大学院修了後はソニーにてさまざまなカメラ製品のミドルウェアの開発、品質向上に取り組んだ。 2012年7月 freee株式会社の創業に参加。スモールビジネスAIラボ所長。テクノロジーでひとびとの働き方を変えていきます

What we do

freee was established in 2012 under the mission of “enabling small businesses to take over the world”. From that time we have developed cloud-based services to streamline back office operations for small businesses from cloud accounting software, HR, and business establishment support. The world that freee aims for is only just starting to take shape. Going forward, we aim to create a platform for small businesses that takes full advantage of the power of the cloud to create new value and new businesses the likes of which have never been seen before. ▼ freee Co., Ltd. ■Goal as an organization Changing the world as a movement ■Create a precedent, create the future While progressing with our current business, we venture to take on new challenges free of precedents and practices to become a pioneer in various fields of business management such as organizational strategy, operations, finance, and human resources. ■Global-level quality We continue to benchmark the value of our services on a global level to provide the highest quality service to users. We strive to improve the quality of our technology and services from a broad perspective, such as by receiving investment by global investors. ■Believe in growth The growth of freee is realized by the growth of its members. As an organization we strive to support every member so that they can continue to develop and grow and reach their true potential.
Our culture allows members to discuss ideas freely regardless of age or position
In-company social gatherings are regularly held at our open space
Drinks and small snacks are free! Our office allows interaction and discussion to occur naturally.
A space for holding small meetings or simply for a change of scenery away from your desk.
Small businesses are a source of innovation as they contain many hard-working people utilizing their self-expression to the fullest extent. Our goal is to create a world filled with these sort of small businesses!
From sofas to beaded cushions...our members have many options to reinvigorate themselves during their work.

What we do

Our culture allows members to discuss ideas freely regardless of age or position

In-company social gatherings are regularly held at our open space

freee was established in 2012 under the mission of “enabling small businesses to take over the world”. From that time we have developed cloud-based services to streamline back office operations for small businesses from cloud accounting software, HR, and business establishment support. The world that freee aims for is only just starting to take shape. Going forward, we aim to create a platform for small businesses that takes full advantage of the power of the cloud to create new value and new businesses the likes of which have never been seen before. ▼ freee Co., Ltd. ■Goal as an organization Changing the world as a movement ■Create a precedent, create the future While progressing with our current business, we venture to take on new challenges free of precedents and practices to become a pioneer in various fields of business management such as organizational strategy, operations, finance, and human resources. ■Global-level quality We continue to benchmark the value of our services on a global level to provide the highest quality service to users. We strive to improve the quality of our technology and services from a broad perspective, such as by receiving investment by global investors. ■Believe in growth The growth of freee is realized by the growth of its members. As an organization we strive to support every member so that they can continue to develop and grow and reach their true potential.

Why we do

Small businesses are a source of innovation as they contain many hard-working people utilizing their self-expression to the fullest extent. Our goal is to create a world filled with these sort of small businesses!

From sofas to beaded cushions...our members have many options to reinvigorate themselves during their work.

It is an unfortunate reality that if you create a business or become independent, you may not be able to concentrate on your true goal due to the burden of back office work such as accounting and HR matters. freee’s mission is the creation of “a society in which those with a dream involved in business can focus fully on their creative activities”. This is realized through back office reform, making full use of technologies that are not bound by existing ways of thought. We will push forward to create great change in the world as an indispensable platform for small businesses.

How we do

Drinks and small snacks are free! Our office allows interaction and discussion to occur naturally.

A space for holding small meetings or simply for a change of scenery away from your desk.

At freee, we pay special attention to benefits and in-company HR regulations so that members can easily work creatively. ■Tsubame-ko Club (Childcare Support) We support members who are raising children by subsidizing babysitting fees and holding special events for children. ■Meal and Drink Support All drinks (coffee/juice/tea etc.) are made free to encourage in-company communication! Bento boxes are also provided for those working overtime. ■weekly 1on1 Time reserved for managers and members to talk on a one-on-one basis. Every week a 30 minute meeting is arranged to discuss your workstyle and career plan. ■Free book service Books for the purpose of work can be purchased free! You can also loan books freely from our library space. ■Selectable work environment and tools You are free to choose your own PC. Monitors and power supplies are also installed at various points around the office such as cafe spaces, allowing members to work more freely. ■TGIF An exciting gathering held once per month, with no restrictions on who can join! Enjoy great food and relax with your coworkers.

As a new team member

【Job details】 ・Planning/design/implementation/testing/measurement/improvement of products and functions ・Research and development/investigation of new and core technologies ・Scope for future plans and ideas such as new function planning and development/automation algorithm improvement/UX improvement/new product planning and development 【Characteristics of development】 freee’s engineers think and implement together from planning to development to release. Not just stopping at release, our organizational structure allows improvements to be made swiftly, listening to the opinions of end users and customers. It is a challenging environment in which the complexity of accounting and salaries is developed via UX design to be as simple and easy to understand as possible. A wide range of plans and ideas are already being considered, for example the development of new products that enable people involved in small businesses to focus on more creative activities, and core technologies such as automation and optimization algorithms for innovating businesses via technology. 【Development Structure】 The introduction of various unique systems, Open Source Friday!( 【Requirements】 ・An interest in developing our products to create value for the world, and overall change the world for the better ・Excellent skills and experience with web application development ・The ability to communicate effectively in Japanese (Japan Proficiency Test N1 level) 【Welcome experience and skills】 ・Development experience using Go ・Development experience and knowledge using micro-service architecture ・Design ability to organize and abstract complex requirements ・Deep knowledge of databases ・Knowledge of computer science [Ideal characteristics of applicants] ・The desire to develop with Go or micro-service architecture ・The desire to create products with value and to deliver them as swiftly as possible ・The desire to automate tedious tasks
52 recommendations

52 recommendations


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Company info

Founded on 07/2012

916 members

  • CEO can code/
  • Funded more than $1,000,000/
  • Funded more than $300,000/

品川区西五反田2-8-1 五反田ファーストビル9F