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Backend Engineer for SpeakBuddy


on 2019-07-10


21 requested to visit

Backend Engineer for SpeakBuddy

Expanding business abroad
Expanding business abroad

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Tsuyoshi Tateishi

"英語0点から勉強して英検一級TOEICほぼ満点の社長" ・慶應義塾大学商学部卒 ・公認会計士二次試験を当時最年少で合格 ・米UC Irvineに留学し、マーケティングのCertificateを取得 ・外資系投資銀行の投資銀行部門(M&Aや資金調達のアドバイザリー業務)に新卒入社、NYに二度長期研修参加 ・日系証券会社の香港支社で1年半海外駐在 ・appArray株式会社を設立 ・英検一級、TOEICほぼ満点(985点)

Takasaki Yauhey

iOS Developer。 ある日Max/MSPに出会い、まるでレゴブロックを組み立てるようなプログラミングの面白さにはまる。そこからソフトウェアエンジニアに。 エディタの背景色設定は黒板色。 Swift、Objective-C、JavaScript、PHP Max/MSP、Processing Arduino、Raspberry Pie、センサーいろいろ

Chinatsu Ohtani

こんにちは。カスタマーサポート担当の大谷です。 ユーザーさんのお問い合わせにお答えするのが主な仕事です。 コンテンツ作成やマーケティングのお手伝い、アプリの動作テスト、採用に関する業務なども行っています。 新しいことにチャレンジする機会を与えてくださり、また困った時には快く相談にのってくださるメンバー皆さんのおかげで、楽しくお仕事しています。 家では三児の母として家事育児に追われていますが、英語の勉強ももっと頑張りたいところです。


Chinatsu Ohtani's story

Akira Yokokawa

サーバサイド担当のエンジニアです。 前職で大手EC系事業会社にて大規模サービスの運用・開発に従事した後、2017年8月にappArrayにジョインしました。 APIの設計や開発のほか、インフラ側の整備も担当しています。 欧州の大学院のコンピュータ・サイエンス専攻で、リソーススケジューラ周りの研究をしていました。 英語の他にイタリア語とフランス語を話すことができます。 好きな食べ物はにんじんとこんにゃくが入ったごぼうのきんぴらです。

株式会社スピークバディ's members

"英語0点から勉強して英検一級TOEICほぼ満点の社長" ・慶應義塾大学商学部卒 ・公認会計士二次試験を当時最年少で合格 ・米UC Irvineに留学し、マーケティングのCertificateを取得 ・外資系投資銀行の投資銀行部門(M&Aや資金調達のアドバイザリー業務)に新卒入社、NYに二度長期研修参加 ・日系証券会社の香港支社で1年半海外駐在 ・appArray株式会社を設立 ・英検一級、TOEICほぼ満点(985点)

What we do

Our vision is for everyone to acquire true English speaking skills using AI English conversation technology. Our company appArray is a start-up company developing the app SpeakBuddy. Our app utilizes voice recognition, AI conversation, and digital pronunciation technology to teach English conversation skills to our users. SpeakBuddy recently reached number one on the app store's Education App ranking and our number of users is continuing to grow. SpeakBuddy has been listed on the app store's recommended app list many times and we are aiming to develop and provide the ideal foreign language acquisition experience to our users.
Learning English with your AI-buddy
"Speak for the Future" is our slogan
Developing a world-leading service
Effective communications
Towards a multi-lingual world
Aiming for global talent

What we do

Learning English with your AI-buddy

"Speak for the Future" is our slogan

Our vision is for everyone to acquire true English speaking skills using AI English conversation technology. Our company appArray is a start-up company developing the app SpeakBuddy. Our app utilizes voice recognition, AI conversation, and digital pronunciation technology to teach English conversation skills to our users. SpeakBuddy recently reached number one on the app store's Education App ranking and our number of users is continuing to grow. SpeakBuddy has been listed on the app store's recommended app list many times and we are aiming to develop and provide the ideal foreign language acquisition experience to our users.

Why we do

Towards a multi-lingual world

Aiming for global talent

Our mission is to create a multilingual age. We believe that if you can speak another's language, you can reach not only their minds, but their hearts as well and that by speaking a foreign language, your life will become richer. However, because it is rare for most people to have a large amount of in person conversations that are necessary to acquire a foreign language, we believe that it is absolutely necessary for us to develop this sort of language learning app, where an AI robot can become a user's conversation partner. We want to provide people who want to live and work abroad a more modern way to study foreign languages, and expand their life choices. Through our work, we hope to create a world where we can help as many people do this as possible.

How we do

Developing a world-leading service

Effective communications

As a company, we are trying to create a dream team of AI conversation developers while also aiming to be a professional start-up company. Our chief Server Engineer did a doctorate in Computer Science in Europe. Our Lead Client Side Engineer came from a large game development company and graduated from a university that specialized in foreign languages. Our Designer came from a top design firm in Australia. And, our CEO worked at an investment bank with foreign clients, became a certified accountant at the youngest possible age, and has a TOEIC score of 985 points. Many of our other team members also speak English at a native level.

As a new team member

Backend Engineer for AI English Education App As a backend engineer in appArray, you will be responsible for a wide range of tasks with a small but experienced team of developers. ◇Task Your main task is designing and developing SpeakBuddy's backend services, however, it also varies from designing new features for further efficiency of English learning, collecting and analyzing users' behavior on the app, building, managing and monitoring infrastructure to R&D regarding machine learning and natural language processing. You don't necessarily need to be well familiarized with all of these tasks, but possessing a passion to learn to do them and to improve your current skill sets is important. ◇ Technologies Programming language: Kotlin, Python, Ruby Framework: Spring Boot, Vue.js Infrastructure: AWS, GCP Platform: Docker, Kubernetes(k8s) AI Platform: AWS SageMaker Management tool: Ansible, Terraform Test tools: JUnit Tools: Git, GitLab, BitBucket, Slack, Datadog Development Method: Agile, Pull request based code review, CI based automatic test ◇Minimum qualifications - At least 1 year of experience in Java, Python, Ruby, Kotlin and/or back-end skills. - At least 1 year of experience in operating and managing REST API based services - JLPT Level 2 or equivalent verbal skill in Japanese (※) For EP application, non-Japanese candidates must fulfill following requirement:- - At least 10 years of working experience in related field - Must possess BS degree or above ◇Preferred qualifications - Development experience in other programming languages (Kotlin preferred) - Web front-end development (Vue.js) - Build and manage infrastructure on AWS an GCP - Development experience in machine learning and NLP
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Company info

Founded on 05/2013

36 members

  • Expanding business abroad/
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