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コンテンツマーケティング進行管理 / Webディレクター

Sales / Business Development

on 2019-06-10


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コンテンツマーケティング進行管理 / Webディレクター

Mid-career・Side Job
New Graduate
Mid-career・Side Job
New Graduate

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Yusa Takuya

canow株式会社's members

Yusa Takuya Sales

What we do

⛓️ canow chain The canow chain, a proprietary blockchain centered on data management by DID, will realize a global standard for DID/SSID. It will provide an environment in which service providers offering services that comply with regulations on personal data in various countries can easily develop and build secure and scalable infrastructures with distributed processing of IDs and data. ⛓️ BRIDGE It is a data wallet that allows individuals to manage their personal information in one place and to choose "when," "to whom," and "what" information is provided. ⛓️ mine “mine” is an information banking service that allows people to provide personal data related to childcare and health to companies with their consent and receive incentives such as goods, coupons, and cash in exchange. ⛓️ YELLTRON YELLtum, which provides a local currency, is the main focus, We design communities using various technologies to create new value.

What we do

⛓️ canow chain The canow chain, a proprietary blockchain centered on data management by DID, will realize a global standard for DID/SSID. It will provide an environment in which service providers offering services that comply with regulations on personal data in various countries can easily develop and build secure and scalable infrastructures with distributed processing of IDs and data. ⛓️ BRIDGE It is a data wallet that allows individuals to manage their personal information in one place and to choose "when," "to whom," and "what" information is provided. ⛓️ mine “mine” is an information banking service that allows people to provide personal data related to childcare and health to companies with their consent and receive incentives such as goods, coupons, and cash in exchange. ⛓️ YELLTRON YELLtum, which provides a local currency, is the main focus, We design communities using various technologies to create new value.

Why we do

Create a society where everyone can experience the benefits of technology across countries and regions. Using technology to provide everyone with opportunities. We aim to create a society where everyone in the world can benefit economically from technology, regardless of borders. Through the increase in quality of life (QOL) that lies ahead, we will create a slightly happier world.

How we do

⛓️Step1 Building the Value of Data⛓️ - Enlightenment Phase The data in front of us has value and practicality in the business world. We want as many people as possible to realize this. ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ ⛓️Step2 Utilizing Data⛓️ - Practical Phase Learn how to utilize the value of data. Offer options on how to use data to create individuals and corporations that can use data to their advantage. ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎ ⛓️Step3 Gaining Practical Benefits with Data.⛓️ - Realization Phase Realize the benefits that can be gained from data. Learn the value of data and how to use it to your advantage and gain benefits from it.

As a new team member

株式会社Matol(マトル)では、 ・CM、グラフィック、アニメーション制作 ・地方創生事業 ・デジタルソリューション を中心に事業展開をしています。 事業拡大に伴い、デジタルソリューションの案件の進行管理を行う Webディレクター見習いを募集しています。 【お仕事内容】 [1] スケジュールの進行管理業務 クライアント様と一緒に立ち上げていくオウンドメディアの進行管理をお願い致します。 入り口から出口までを経験することによりビジネスの進め方についても学べます。 [2] コンテンツの品質管理 大切なクライアント様へ納品するコンテンツに問題があってはいけません。 担当営業、クリエイター、デザイナーと綿密な打ち合わせを行い120%のクオリティの コンテンツを納品します。 いいクリエイティブとは、どういうものか?を一から学べます。 [3] クライアントおよびパートナー企業との折衝 日々クライアント様や外部パートナー様ともコミュニケーションを取っていただきます。 ChatWorkやSlackでのコミュニケーションや直接顔を合わせて打ち合わせを行うこともあります。 基本的に一人で打ち合わせに臨むことはなく、担当営業や先輩と一緒に打ち合わせに入るため、 ビジネスマナーはもちろんのこと、最新のデジタルソリューションに関する知識をいやでも覚えてしまいます。 立上げ約1年で、大手金融業界、化粧品、コスメメーカー様の実績多数。 大多数のクライアント様よりご好評いただき、リピートや他の企業様のご紹介の引き合いも多数いただいております。 【求める人材】 ・先入観に囚われない方 ・明るく人とのコミュニケーションを好む方 ・何事にも興味を持ち、積極的に取り組める方
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    Company info

    Founded on 04/2020

    8 members

    東京都目黒区中目黒二丁目10番16号 中目黒ウィングビル6F