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Lets build React applications!

React / Node.js

on 2018-12-03


53 requested to visit

Lets build React applications!

Use foreign languages
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Rodrigo Ramirez

I'm from Argentina, I have over 8 years experience in Web Design, Programming and Online Marketing. In Argentina I was the CEO of a company that offered a Email Marketing Service , I developed the platform offered by the company, also in the same company I developed another service for Social Me...

Naoaki Hashimoto

代表取締役社長 1979年生まれ 東京都出身 2002年早稲田大学卒業後、アクセンチュア株式会社に入社。2007年株式会社リクルート旅行カンパニーに転職。2012年4月に退職して世界一周へ。9か月間30か国を旅したのち、2013年1月に帰国。同2月に株式会社トラベリエンスを設立。 趣味は旅。バックパッカー。卒業旅行は東京から飛行機に乗らず陸路のみでアフリカまで旅する。旅した国は70か国以上。イカロス出版「世界一周TRAVELER'S VOICE」双葉社「バックパッカーズ読本」など旅メディア執筆多数。総合旅行業務取扱管理者。観光庁「通訳案内士制度のあり方に関する検討会」委員。

Hazuki Yamanaka

小学生のころから、通訳案内士になるために英語一筋の人生を歩む。 2017年度全国通訳案内士取得 2018年4月 通訳案内士向けマーケットプレイス、トリプルライツを運営するトラベリエンスに就職 モットー「自分にしか作れないクリエイティブな人生を」 他人が歩める人生は他人が歩めばいい。 自分なりの組み合わせで人と違う生き方を。

株式会社トラベリエンス's members

I'm from Argentina, I have over 8 years experience in Web Design, Programming and Online Marketing. In Argentina I was the CEO of a company that offered a Email Marketing Service , I developed the platform offered by the company, also in the same company I developed another service for Social Me...

What we do

We provide the services below for foreigners visiting Japan 1. Managing “Triplelights”, a tour marketplace that connects foreigners visiting Japan with tour guides. It’s featured on CNET. 2. Managing “Planetyze”, an internet based guidebook that introduces Japan with videos. It’s featured on THE BRIDGE
Company Trip
Customer Service Team
NHK World

What we do


We provide the services below for foreigners visiting Japan 1. Managing “Triplelights”, a tour marketplace that connects foreigners visiting Japan with tour guides. It’s featured on CNET. 2. Managing “Planetyze”, an internet based guidebook that introduces Japan with videos. It’s featured on THE BRIDGE

Why we do

NHK World


Our vision for Travelience is “to have people become happy by going on a trip ” Our CEO, Hashimoto, has also travelled to many countries as a backpacker. After leaving his job in 2012, he spent 9 months travelling the world. Meeting people who made his trip enjoyable in every country he has visited made him want to travel over and over again. We would like to have foreigners who visit Japan to feel this kind of hospitality. Travelience’s mission is “to create a new style of travel”. Taking pictures at a sightseeing spot, experiencing something you can only try in that country, eating food and drinking alcohol famous in that region; Things you do on a trip hasn’t evolved for a long time. However, with the expansion of the internet, traveling is in the process of evolving now. For example, Airbnb has created a new type of experience, staying in a home of someone who lives in that country. We are trying to create a new way or style to enjoy traveling.

How we do

Company Trip

Customer Service Team

Our 8 full time members include 4 Japanese , our Argentine CTO, our Thai video creator, and our Brazilian web designer and marketer. So our office environment is a mix of Japanese and English. If we include members working from home, our team comes to a total of 14 people. We aim to add a few more full time members to our team this year.

As a new team member

In Travelience we are looking for a programmer who has experience in front and backend development using React and Node.js to develop new versions of our services. The candidate must be very passionate about learning and improving his/her skills related to the position. This position is for a full-time developer to work at our office in Tokyo. ■What you’ll do - Collaborate with all areas of the company to optimize the work by developing useful tools - Help us develop new versions of our services using the mentioned technologies - Work with your teammates to find the best way of improving our products. - Learn from past iterations, gather feedback and continue to make improvements to our products. - Assist with project scoping and estimation - Produce documentation and reports of the work completed - Work with Team & Individual OKR ■What you’ll need - University Degree (for working visa) - Minimum of 2 years experience working in similar positions - Experience with React and Server Side Rendering - Experience with React Native - Experience developing Node.js applications preferably with Express - Fluent in English - Writing high quality, understandable, maintainable and testable code in order to deliver true value to our customers. - Experience writing unit, integration and functional tests. - Basic knowledge of Linux/Unix environments. - Passion to Learn new technologies - Experience making PHP websites ( Not mandatory ) - 5 days internship in Travelience ■What we’ll provide - Working visa - International Startup environment - Flexibility & Total responsibility to achieve the company goals
80 recommendations

80 recommendations


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Company info

Founded on 02/2013

5 members

東京都台東区浅草橋2-29-11  マルケービル8F