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Hiroaki Iijima
1990年生まれ。 16歳から食品会社で働き始め、23歳で自宅のノートPC1台でWEB広告に特化した事業開始。 現在は我々が掲げている「成長ビッグバンを起こし、人々を幸せに」を達成する為に、 「新しい集客、新しい国、新しい事業」3つの方針があります。 具体的には、 「Google、Facebook広告のアルゴリズム解読してみたい!」 「USなど海外のマーケティングに携わって結果を出したい!」 「新規事業を作る実力を付けたい!」 など上記に少しでもピンと来たらご連絡ください。 成果に貪欲な方とお話できるのを楽しみにしています。 ーーーーー I was born in 1990 and am the founder and CEO of Japan IT business Laboratory, Inc. From an early age, I have been passionate about entrepreneurship and have pursued this dream since I was 16, when I joined a food company. At the age of 23 and armed with only a laptop and the ambition to succeed, I decided to start my own web advertising business. Since then, I have been determined to create an industry-wide “big bang” and make people happy by following three policies: ・New customer attraction ・expanding into new countries ・creating innovative businesses If you are looking for a challenge and eager to achieve results through analyzing Google and Facebook algorithms, engaging in overseas marketing, or developing your ability to create businesses – reach out! I would love to hear from you! We are also developing our ability to create businesses and will continue to do so in the future. Please reach out if you are up for a challenge and would like to join our team!
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Company info
Founded on 04/2014
25 members
東京都台東区上野7-6-11 第一下谷ビル7F