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谷口 太一
Having lived abroad for many years, I've had the opportunity to absorb various cultures and perspectives, shaping my unique way of thinking. Driven by the desire to leverage these experiences to create something innovative and exciting, I decided to start my own business. Beyond simply providing convenience, I aim to deliver experiences that value time and human connections, offering something truly meaningful to all users. I'm committed to continuing my journey of exploration, armed with diverse perspectives and fresh ideas.
James Watanabe
Having a foreign father and being exposed to different cultures from a young age allowed me to naturally accept diverse values. Through this experience, I was able to cultivate a flexible mindset. Even though there are people with various thoughts and values in Japan, I hope to continue providing services that are convenient and exciting for everyone.
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Company info
Founded on 04/2024
10 members
東京都中央区銀座一丁目22番11号 銀座大竹ビジデンス 2F