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Saran Kumar
エンジニア歴5年 趣味:新しいことを発見すること 好きな食べ物:博多ラーメン 福岡が好きな理由:日本の中でも九州、福岡の人達はとても温かくて、 自分に合っていると感じたから。
Naveen Naidu
As a manager - I aim to lift people up. I get the greatest satisfaction when I can help people grow as engineers. I strive to create a team culture that is open and collaborative. And of course, do all of this with a constant eye to company goals and project execution. As an engineer - I believe strongly in pragmatism and thoughtfulness. I like to think through the trade offs between fast paced execution and carefully considered, future thinking code. In general I believe that building with best practices (and lots documentation) and building for scale will save time and headaches in the long run, but there is always a limit.
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