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on 2024-03-25
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Jason Lee
Hello, I'm Jason. I embarked on a fulfilling journey when I founded Scent by SIX, a brand born out of a passion for fragrance and a desire to make a positive impact. This paved the way for several fulfilling collaborations, with prominent brands such as Singapore Airlines and Eu Yan Sang being a few notable mentions. In 2022, I was deeply honoured and humbled to be recognized with the Entrepreneur of the Year Award. This accolade, acknowledging local entrepreneurs, was an unexpected moment of gratitude, allowing me to reflect on my journey and the incredible people I've met. Beyond business, I find joy in mentoring at the NTU Entrepreneurship Academy, sharing experiences and insights with aspiring business leaders. I believe in giving back to the community, and through Scent by SIX, we’ve had the opportunity to associate with Caregivers Alliance Limited (CAL), reflecting a shared commitment to societal well-being. My active engagement in grassroots initiatives in Bukit Batok and my contributions to the Council of the Singapore Retailers Association represent ongoing learning experiences and my dedication to fostering community development and progress.
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