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Hiring: Full Stack Engineer


on 2023-01-26


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Hiring: Full Stack Engineer


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Masaki Tanabe


Yuki Sugaya

1988年生/ 静岡生まれ・神奈川育ち・多趣味 2011/04:新卒でカネボウ化粧品に入社 →8年勤務 2019/04:退職 2019/06:フィリピン 語学留学 & NGO参加 →1ヵ月間学習、2ヵ月間NGO 2019/10:オーストラリア ワーホリ→10ヵ月間の滞在 2020/09:帰国 2020/11:Guidable株式会社 入社(現職) 【Job】 ・2011〜2019 カネボウ化粧品 ルート営業3年  -ドラッグストア回りと美容部員マネジメント 本社販売戦略5年  -ブランド予算策定、予実管理、営業戦略立案/推進…etc ・2020〜 Guidable 経営戦略  -経営全般補佐、メイン事業統括、組織づくり、仕組化、新規事業開発…etc 【Strength】 仕組化 / 効率化・損切 / プロジェクト設計・管理 / 組織づくり / Excel

Kenji Yura


海外生活1年半を経て、現在はGuidable株式会社にてwebエンジニアとして働いています。 弊社主力サービス「Guidable Jobs」のデザインから、フロントエンドやバックエンドまで全て見てます。

Guidable株式会社's members


What we do

◆Our mission is to "Eliminate the boundary between non-Japanese and Japanese". Guidable is a company that has been providing specialised services for non-Japanese residents in Japan since its establishment in November 2015 to change Japan into an attractive country where Japanese and international residents can coexist. Guidable is committed to becoming an indispensable presence for expatriates living in Japan and achieving the goal of becoming the "No.1 service company for non-Japanese residents in Japan"! Guidable: ( ◆Service Information ◉Guidable Jobs( Number of expatriate users: 100,000 Number of companies posting jobs: 1,000 (as of December 2022) Guidable Jobs, our main service, is a platform connecting Japanese companies and non-Japanese job seekers. Based on its advanced IT technology and extensive knowledge of international recruitment, Guidable Jobs supports foreign nationals in finding employment in Japan and provides comprehensive support to Japanese companies that wish to hire expatriates. Many users and companies choose us because of our convenience and peace of mind! In addition to our leading service, Guidable Jobs, we will further contribute to creating a "country without boundaries between non-Japanese and Japanese" by developing various services related to international residents in Japan.
Main Service: Guidable Jobs
Media Website: Guidable Japan

What we do

Main Service: Guidable Jobs

Media Website: Guidable Japan

◆Our mission is to "Eliminate the boundary between non-Japanese and Japanese". Guidable is a company that has been providing specialised services for non-Japanese residents in Japan since its establishment in November 2015 to change Japan into an attractive country where Japanese and international residents can coexist. Guidable is committed to becoming an indispensable presence for expatriates living in Japan and achieving the goal of becoming the "No.1 service company for non-Japanese residents in Japan"! Guidable: ( ◆Service Information ◉Guidable Jobs( Number of expatriate users: 100,000 Number of companies posting jobs: 1,000 (as of December 2022) Guidable Jobs, our main service, is a platform connecting Japanese companies and non-Japanese job seekers. Based on its advanced IT technology and extensive knowledge of international recruitment, Guidable Jobs supports foreign nationals in finding employment in Japan and provides comprehensive support to Japanese companies that wish to hire expatriates. Many users and companies choose us because of our convenience and peace of mind! In addition to our leading service, Guidable Jobs, we will further contribute to creating a "country without boundaries between non-Japanese and Japanese" by developing various services related to international residents in Japan.

Why we do

ーきっかけは弊社代表である田邉の「外国人と日本人の境界線をなくしたい」という思いー ソフトバンクに新卒で入社した田邉は、自らの成長のためにボーダレスハウスへと移り住みます。そこで日本にやってきたばかりの外国人と生活を共にしました。多くの外国人が訪れ、極めて人気の高い国として有名な日本ですが、在留外国人と2年以上の月日を過ごす中で田邉が気が付いたことは「日本という国は外国人にとって暮らしやすい国ではない」という事実でした。田邉はこの問題を解決する為に、ソフトバンクを離れ起業します。それがGuidable株式会社の始まりです。 ーそして「在留外国人と日本企業が抱える課題の解決」へー 2019年に外国人労働者数は165万人を突破し増え続ける一方で、彼らが生活するのに欠かせない仕事は限定的なうえ、採用後も苦労の傾向にあります。また、日本社会は少子高齢化が進み、2050年には現在の40%の生産年齢人口へと減少が予測されており、圧倒的な人手不足は無視できない社会課題となっています。これを解決するサービスとして、Guidable Jobsを開発し、外国人×日本企業×Guidableの「win-win-win」な関係を実現させています。

How we do

◆ About Our Work Environment We currently have about 30 employees and 40 interns. We have many members who are proactive & action-oriented, and the office always has a lively atmosphere. Due to the unique nature of our business, we have a multinational team with a total of 15 nationalities represented. Under the motto of "work hard, play hard," we have many in-house events such as futsal, yoga, board games, golf, picnics, gym, etc. and more! We hope to understand each other well, which will lead to the creation of better services. ◆About Our Development Team We are still a small team of 2 full-time and 2 outsourced engineers, but we plan to hire more engineers and grow into a larger team in the future. The current members are in their late 20s to late 30s, and some are foreign nationals, so they can also speak English! We are introducing scrum development to the team. Tasks include developing functions scheduled in the annual calendar, requests from within the company, requests from clients, etc. We ask why this development is necessary, its impact, and the negative effects of not having this function. We assign priorities to each task based on urgency and priority.

As a new team member

■Job Description The Guidable development team is currently working on two different services, each in a different development phase! ① Planning, functional development, maintenance and operation of "Guidable Jobs" ( →Our main service, "Guidable Jobs", has three different screens: "Candidate View," "Company Management View," and "Admin View," in addition to maintaining and operating these screens, we respond to requests from users, companies, and internal company members daily to add new functions in a timely manner. In addition to the maintenance and operation of these screens, we also respond to requests from users, companies, and internal members to quickly add new functions. ② Planning, functional development, maintenance and operation of "Haken Meets" ( →"Haken Meets", a website that aims to match companies with a shortage of employees with temporary staffing agencies, has been in operation for only four months, so there is still much room for development. Since the project is in the start-up phase, we will develop and maintain the functions of Haken Meets while consulting with the members who run it. 【Technologies and Tools Used】 Front-end: HTML5, Sass, JavaScript Back-end: Ruby on Rails, Postgres, Redis Infrastructure: /DevOps: Heroku/Docker, AWS Collaboration: Slack, GitHub *Other suggestions are welcome, as we are eager to incorporate new technologies! 【Necessary Skills / Experience】 ・At least three years of experience in developing and operating web applications with Ruby on Rails ・Experience in proposals, function development, and design based on an understanding of business and business structure ・Experience in developing with multiple people using GitHub ☆We are looking for members who can work in daily development with a strong awareness of our company's vision, "Eliminate the boundary between non-Japanese and Japanese"!
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    Company info

    Founded on 11/2015

    150 members

    • Funded more than $1,000,000/
    • Funded more than $300,000/
    • CEO can code/

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