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Looking for a Web and AI Engineer

Web&AI Engineer

on 2023-03-31


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Looking for a Web and AI Engineer

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Daisuke Kubota

1980年生まれ、大阪府出身。 21歳より建設アプリケーションメーカーとSESベンダーを経た後、フリーエンジニアとして活動する。 その後、25歳の時、年商190億円規模であるOAサブライ企業のグループ会社である株式会社ディエスファインダの取締役に創業メンバーとして就任する。 グロービス経営大学院で経営学修士(MBA)を取得すると同時に当社は解散する。2010年に株式会社ニコシスを設立。 システムコンサル・Eコマース支援・営業支援クラウドサービス・海外事業進出支援活動を進めつつ、ニコシスで培った海外事業実績を元に、株式会社Base81(ベースハチワン)を設立する。 同社では貿易業務を立ち上げた後、現在、日本地域創生ビジネスへと移管中で今に至る。 - 得意分野 ・成功するシステム開発ノウハウの提供 ・事業企画、マーケティング - 苦手分野 - ・終わりのないルーチンワークと非効率なこと - 好きな食べ物 - ・子供が好きそうなもの全般 - 苦手な食べ物 - ・鳥の皮 ・豚足


Daisuke Kubota's story

Akio Yokomatsu

週末は畑に生息しています。 コーヒーは飲めませんが、淹れるのは得意です。 夏になると「夏休みの自由研究」をするのがここ数年のマイブームです。

Hiroyuki Ushito

問題解決を生業とする、生粋のソフトウェア屋さんです。 新しいこともできるけど、問題を治す方が得意。 技術的に根の深い事であればお任せ下さい。 一般的な事であれば喜んで他の専門家を紹介します。 RFC や ISO、 W3C などの標準規格を読むのが好きです。 ソフトウェアはハードウェアの支えのお陰で 曖昧性がなく原則規格やルール通りに動いています。 どんなことでも規格や原典を参照し、0 と 1 の並びを見れば何とかなる……はず。

Yuriko Chujo

短期大学から四年制大学へ編入し、卒業後は人の心を扱うカウンセリング施設に事務員として就職。 施設の社内システムをニコシスが改修したことが縁となり、現在はニコシスのバックオフィス業務を担っています。 経理・人事・総務など、バックオフィスに絡む業務を多岐に渡って担当しており、今後の目標は「会社にとって万能な人・使い勝手が良い人」になります!


Yuriko Chujo's story

株式会社ニコシス's members

1980年生まれ、大阪府出身。 21歳より建設アプリケーションメーカーとSESベンダーを経た後、フリーエンジニアとして活動する。 その後、25歳の時、年商190億円規模であるOAサブライ企業のグループ会社である株式会社ディエスファインダの取締役に創業メンバーとして就任する。 グロービス経営大学院で経営学修士(MBA)を取得すると同時に当社は解散する。2010年に株式会社ニコシスを設立。 システムコンサル・Eコマース支援・営業支援クラウドサービス・海外事業進出支援活動を進めつつ、ニコシスで培った海外事業実績を元に、株式会社Base81(ベースハチワン)を設立する。 同社では貿易業務を立ち上げた...

What we do

*Everything we can do to make the world smile with the power of IT We are very individualistic. We work to match each member's personality and characteristics to make the most of each member's nature and characteristics. We take only interesting and exciting projects. Drones, automated driving, RPA, machine learning, IoT, virtualization, microservices... *List of Businesses -Cutting-edge technology development -Large-scale system development -IT Consulting -Utilization of global human resources -Engineer training -Customer stationed development *Example of our services ・eP2AS : Automated Document Verification System ・Spicy : Engineer Resource & PJ Management System *From our CEO What I value in running Nicosys is the desire to make it a company where each individual can grow independently. That is why we have the perfect environment for those who are more freelance-oriented or want to work without ties. Any working way is acceptable for high-quality results. We disclose all information, including project unit prices, wage return rates, and project details. On our company portal site, we show "who is participating in which project and at what unit price" and "who is earning how much". Any working way is acceptable, assuming that you are achieving results. If you have an opinion that you would like to work in this way, suggest and try it without being bound by common sense.

What we do



*Everything we can do to make the world smile with the power of IT We are very individualistic. We work to match each member's personality and characteristics to make the most of each member's nature and characteristics. We take only interesting and exciting projects. Drones, automated driving, RPA, machine learning, IoT, virtualization, microservices... *List of Businesses -Cutting-edge technology development -Large-scale system development -IT Consulting -Utilization of global human resources -Engineer training -Customer stationed development *Example of our services ・eP2AS : Automated Document Verification System ・Spicy : Engineer Resource & PJ Management System *From our CEO What I value in running Nicosys is the desire to make it a company where each individual can grow independently. That is why we have the perfect environment for those who are more freelance-oriented or want to work without ties. Any working way is acceptable for high-quality results. We disclose all information, including project unit prices, wage return rates, and project details. On our company portal site, we show "who is participating in which project and at what unit price" and "who is earning how much". Any working way is acceptable, assuming that you are achieving results. If you have an opinion that you would like to work in this way, suggest and try it without being bound by common sense.

Why we do

*Making the world smile with IT By borrowing the power of IT, which is ahead of its time, we will be able to give more happiness to the world. We founded Nicosys with that in mind. Many people have a negative view of "work. Working time accounts for 1/3 of our life. Working should be fun! First, Nicosys members enjoy themselves and then spread smiles to the people around them.

How we do

*Making the world smile by working while enjoying yourself. Nicosys has a small elite group of about 40 members. Almost 90% of them, including the management team, are engaged in system development. So we are a company that focuses on engineers. To create a suitable environment for our engineers, we have a system in which more than 70% of individual sales for you. We also have a "no limit paid leave" system that allows employees to take as much paid time as they want. If sales are good and you don't have to do any more work, you can take time off. If you can do ​​exciting work with autonomy and ingenuity, and if it leads to good results, you can take time off. You don't have to worry about working hours if it leads to good results. How can we work with a smile on our faces? That is the axis of our management. Remote work, overtime hours, and return-to-office days are all up to you.

As a new team member

-Compensation is more than 74% of individual sales! -New office to be established! *Job description -Web application front-end / back-end development -Development of AI (machine learning, etc.) *Development environment - TypeScript / Vue.js or React / Node.js / Python - Go / ReactNative / Scala / Kotlin - Rust / Flutter / swift / Nim / Elixir -Other *Required -2+ years of experience in some development work (No experience with AI is acceptable.) *Work location -Remote -Nago City, Okinawa -Tokyo Our CEO is the best earner in Nicosys. With our CEO at the helm, we have a group of highly skilled engineers with knowledge and skills. So there are many opportunities to improve your skills while working. This is the perfect environment for those who want to become full-stack engineers.
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    Company info

    Founded on 11/2010

    40 members

    • Expanding business abroad/
    • CEO can code/

    Tokyo or Okinawa or Remote