

リナット シャイムハメートフ
東京大学大学院工学系研究科( School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo)
採用担当から見たリナット シャイムハメートフ
面接の中では優秀で真面目な印象でした。研究は勿論のこと、スポーツも万能です。最も重要なのは本人が何事にも前向きに取り組んでいる点です。これからもその勢いで、さまざまなことにHYPER CUBEと一体となって挑戦していきましょう。
Q1. 入社の決め手となったポイントや出来事はありますか?

Q2. 学生時代に頑張っていたことは何ですか?

Q3. 選考で印象に残っていることはありますか?

Q4. 趣味を何か教えてください!

Q5. チャレンジしてみたい仕事はありますか?

Q1. Are there any points or events that make you decide to join the company?
The company's projects are quite interesting in which I would like to participate.

Q2. What did you try your best when you were a student?
I have tried to learn something new which was out of our engineering curriculum since it is important to be versatile.

Q3.Is there anything that impresses you during the interview?
I found the atmosphere there quite friendly.

Q4. Tell me about your hobby!
In my free time, I like to do something active things like snowboarding, in Japan, I start surfing. But when I cannot go anywhere I just read books or watch something.

Q5. Do you have any work you would like to try after joining Hyper Cube?
I do not have specific preferences I am always ready to learn something new.

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