
弊社提携先(海外出向勤務地)シンガポール Bar D.Bespoke 金高大樹氏のご紹介です。

Profile:Daiki Kanetaka
大学卒業後、IBA(International Bartender Association)International Cocktail Competition の優勝者でもある岸 久のもとSTAR BAR GINZAにて勤務。自身も数々のカクテルコンペティションに出場し優勝、入賞を果たす。スコットランドでのウイスキーにはじまりスペイン アンダルシア地方でのシェリーワイン、フランス ノルマンディー地方でのカルバドス、ガスコーニュ地方でのアルマニャック、キューバ・ マルティニーク・ プエルトリコでのラム などお酒の原産地へ赴き現地の人々との交流や研修を通して見聞を広げている。
またSTAR BAR GINZAでの先輩である上野 秀嗣のBAR HIGH FIVE開業の際にはチーフバーテンダーとして活躍。岸、上野両名の国際的な関係もあり中国北京からの誘いを受けGLEN BAR BEIJINGのマネージャー・経営パートナーとして3年間、そして GLEN CLASSIC を開店。

After graduated from University, Mr. Kanetaka worked for Mr. Hisashi Kishi, the winner of the IBA (International Bartender Association) International Cocktail Competition, at STAR BAR GINZA in Tokyo. Mr. Kanetaka himself also won championship and grand prize in numerous cocktail competitions. He has been gaining wide range of knowledge and experiences through travelling, training and exchange thoughts with the local people from the place of origin of the liquors, such as whiskey in Scotland, Sherry wine in Spain Andalusia, Calvados in Normandy France, Armagnac in Gascony region, Rum in Cuba, Martinique, Puerto Rico.
Mr. Kanetaka is certified in variety of qualifications such as Sommelier for Wine, Venenciador for Sherry wine, Coltador for Spain ham, cigar manager for Cuba cigar, Teamaster as well as luxury tea specialist for Chinese tea.
He also worked as a chief bartender at BAR HIGH FIVE. The owner bartender Mr. Hidetsugu Ueno was his senior at the STAR BAR GINZA. With the international exposure of Mr. Kishi and Mr. Ueno, Mr. Kanetaka also was invited to Beijing China to be the bar manager of GLEN BAR BEIJING for 3 years. Afterwards, he opened GLEN CLASSIC on 2013 winning numerous awards as well as being featured on TV and varieties of magazines as a bartender.